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Major general ,your name . Murong sky ,major general staff . The young officer quoted the name and the position of . right ,federal appears to be very want to destroy all of us .Wyrick generals ,according to plan operations .
Is there anything more you listen to the staff you have a very good staff . See the federal fleet threw ,transport ships immediately let Empire still ground troops to abandon bulky equipment ,personnel quickly embarkation ,some are loaded transport ships to leave the sea star Dillon synchronous orbit ,began to prepare for the space jump .
In the transport ships cruising the next imperial warships ,Department of integrated wedge formation of word to walk from the periphery also is far from the sea of Dillon star directions to the federal left fleet rear around it ,they have for the entire transport group for sixty minutes .
General. Empire transport ships to run . Staring at the imperial fleet movements of major Ruguman to long Kaida general reports . They can ,send my order ,days open jump jammer ,ten minutes by day ,replace .
Longkaida is confident of his orders . In general ,the enemy launched the interference wave ,severely affect the transport ships of the space jump process . Union army left fleet turned to us .
Everywhere on the condition that the Empire was in trouble . Their interference will not last too long ,move on ,as long as we can bite the front of the two fleet in any branch of the tail, we will have a chance .
Wellek head out on a layer of thick sweat . They fired ! Are slowly turn to the federal fleet wall shaped array to high-speed mobile imperial warships team issued a barrage fire .
�� �� �� if it goes on like this ,we will keep live lineup . Lieutenant commander Ruguman stared at the energy shield under the protection of the Empire ships team is to escape federal fleet fire range .
Cast of carrier-based aircraft .Give me stop them .Command a fleet of transport ships to continue attacking cody . With general Longkaida a fleet of aircraft has been into space, numerous warplanes towards the imperial warships team swarmed to .
At a time when the federal fleet composed of two wall shaped array is almost in a back-to-back position .By the federal siege of the imperial fleet fighter swerved ,rushed to the federal wall conformal array .
Ruguman is frightened exclaimed , !The guy is crazy ,fast ,fast ,fast spread ... ... . Open the energy shield ,parted . General Longkaida also did not like issued the same command ,now issued shrinkage formation with dense formations to ship for ship manner ,to prevent the enemy crossing queue attack a Cody fleet rear is unrealistic, no energy shield ships and energy shields full-open of warship collide is not to discuss any cheaper ,crashed just off the ship energy shield .
Too close to the federal fleet ,the main gun could not add energy ,but the wink time imperial warships team into a federal ship queue ,just open the energy shield couldn the full power of the energy shield impact .
To avoid some ships struck as substantial energy on the cover have been shot ,was opened in the space of the ship rolled and crashed into the other ships ,the federal fleet immediately chaos .
Empire of the shipboard attack forces also took out ,enlarge results of battle ,and also blocked after chase federal fighter group .Federal a Cody Fleet said general Longkaidi sent a warning ,hurried back .
However, a huge wall of conformal arrays is said to turn over, hurried is imperial warships team to seize the opportunity two times in a row salvo destroyed the federal nearly three thousand destroyers .
�� �� �� prince ,federal interference that is going on, what should we do . Thought the federal jumping interference will not last long ,but has passed a clock interference continues, more importantly ,at Dillon federal defence army lot can be used for space war walkers have been launched to theater to Viereck ,general had to kiss the king for the lancet .
the enemy employed two jammers ,identify interference source location? ,interference is separately from the enemy out of the two carriers . Wilk pointed to by the federal fleet all the guards in wall shaped array center two space carrier .
To prepare my pride day . Prince Lanster turned around to leave the bridge . ,his Royal Highness the prince I can . Wilk urgently in the prince . I was proud of heaven will be more safe ,you are my only chance is not ? We can group people .
How many ships to battle ship ? Less than three thousand aircraft . So you don strength ,Viereck general complete your mission is to my biggest support . Prince Lanster patted Wyrick generals ,continued to go out ,he had to leave for a dedicated hangar .
His Royal Highness Prince please let me go with you . Murong sky ,just a few paces behind the prince of the lancet . Will you be my burden .As long as you help Wyrick general line . Prince Lanster does not return to the seat on a ship .
One day you will think I am not burdensome . He stood at the far sky Major-General Murong car roared .�� �� �� general please punish me ! Ruguman is in by the imperial fleet impact the show all feel ashamed .
To get the system to restore stability to the lung ,one At being downstream of the four go Imperial warships team said , now is not the punishment who at the time ,www.headphones-fashion.com,and I don want to punish the major who ,please keep their jobs .
The general enemy flagship Neptune Knight also cast a mech ! A monitor suddenly called out . A mecha ... ... , major Ruguman through a porthole seen in the imperial fleet direction a little golden light is quickly become bigger, surprised even the back of the tongue .
No wonder ,so you really here !In the city as the center ,consisting of the wedge array ,all fire ,aim at the golden armor ,fire ,fire ,fire ! General Longkaida yelled orders .�� �� �� PS: is there a problem you can point out, I will try in the later chapters give a more reasonable interpretation .
( a more reasonable : as the name implies, is really cannot be explained in words will utter a pass . ) ,please don ,also do no harm ,this story I am determined to finish .Don to see, please move the mouse cursor to the upper right click on the small X .
The support of my friends ,I hope I can get your continued support ! , relationresultThe twenty-fifth chapter light wing , relationresultSea Dillonstars in outer space ,this time as in fireworks ,occasionally bloom fireball as the dark bring a beautiful bright .
The two fleets as two waving fists ,but always not to imperial sea Dillon Fleet it only flew the fly .Federal a Cody fleet in the lung ,under the command of general ,again turn Empire transport ships to launch an attack .
Anxiety in the lancet ,heart spread ,not much time .The Union army was aware of his attempts, advance an interferometer using handover .Space jump interference is a lot of energy that is transferred ,space carrier that huge energy system can only last ten minutes ,so two can take turns to supplement the energy and maintain uninterrupted disturbance . Related articles:

