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Standing there watching Kong Yu control of Kyushu tripod absorbing the demon God English recruit physical energy ,and the Xiangliu mana is also in the process of gradual recovery ,until seven days later ,Kong Yucai was able to use the demon God of Kyushu tripod recruit body energy completely consumed ,solve this crisis .
relationresultThemove will Kyushu tripod folded up ,feel the magic in the process also grew a lot of, this makes Kong Yu feel very happy ,and although the Xiangliu compared ,he gets the benefit is almost negligible ,but it is also let Kong Yu very satisfied ,and the Xiangliu already restored seven or eight the mana .
relationresultWill useYaozu arcane promoted mana demon God English recruit body energy total absorption recovery after just seven or eight into mana ,visible in the Xiangliu if in its heyday would be so terribly .
Restored seven or eight mana of the Xiangliu ,this nature is overjoyed ,face full of excited look .relationresultBut this timethe ecstasy of the Xiangliu is seen standing in the distance of the big witch nine-feng ,excited mood suddenly disappeared out of sight ,the killer ,he happy too early ,thinking of how to deal with the heart of the nine-feng ,prevent she really taking the hole jade all the day mumbo jumbo pennant .
relationresultHowever,at this time ,the void in a golden light ,toward the hole Yusa falls down ,it makes the Xiangliu is staring eyes, because he found that it is good in gold .relationresult , relationresultThe 276th chapter deals , relationresultThe lastworld down merit gold because of hole Yuli jobs ,will be foreign real person of Xiu rout ,keep the Kyushu Chinese people no invasion ,such great merit can make world down the merit of golden light, and this time Kong Yu is prevented by a demon God English recruit flesh self ,but also save the planet hundreds of millions of people on the Terrans ,and is a great merit .
relationresultMeritgolden flowers ,in the air and turned it into a blossoming of the golden lotus ,toward Kong Yupiao, the last being in Yin and Yang siddhi practice ,Kong Yu didn absorbed a lot of good gold ,but this time he is seen ,the heart is full of surprise, looking at the clouds golden Lotus fell on his head, and then is absorbed into the body, and the body Tian-gang to check circulation channels together ,continue to broaden the channels of a space ,increase the intensity of meridians .
relationresultThegolden time in seeing nine-feng merit is Dengdaliaoyan eyes ,watching the clouds condense into golden lotus merit golden fall to Kong Yu ,the in the mind at the same time nine-feng shock ,is also glad I rashly shots ,otherwise ,such a character if atmospheric transport adhering to die in their own the hand, that her iniquity is too heavy ,and he knew ,such an adhering to the atmospheric transport figure ,is also not so easy to die .
relationresultA blossomingmerit golden fall, which also has three Flower Baby fist size of the golden lotus to the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,although they stop the demon God in English recruit body explode when no how much strength ,but in previous destroy evil spirit race matters is a great strength, but also the accumulation of the merit .
relationresultDevils in animal formsin just hearing demon God the action name is too scared to get rid, far away ,until now ,and again received merit golden they also feel very ashamed ,for his heart is just run away when going into battle action feel shame ,think they simply do not deserve it merit in gold .
relationresultKong Yu justfor the devils in animal forms behavior did not care how, as their two power even when something ,it is impossible to do ,perhaps of a hand is the demon God British move out, not like now retains the useful body ,later as Kong Yu the effectiveness of the good .
relationresultTheXiangliu watching a blossoming merit gold turned golden lotus flower into Kong Yu body ,but also could not help but admire ,did not think of refining Kyushu tripod ,master of China Kyushu and should have such good luck ,it is such a short time two times in a row to merit gold ,said it was too incredible .
relationresultOf course,the Xiangliu is that this one is full of hardships, if Kong Yu could not save the crisis ,it is to get a spirit all be smashed to pieces ,the end ,what is the chance to enjoy the good gold ,so although the envy ,but the Xiangliu know Kong Yu deserved it ,and Kong Yu such a uphold the atmospheric transport and health of people will reproduce the Malay brilliant .
relationresultMeritgold was soon Kong Yu absorption clean ,and when the body meridians to fully absorb ,Kong Yu found himself meridians have been widened ,the space becomes more wide open ,so the cultivation of yin and Yang siddhi speed will be faster ,although no increase in any skill ,whether such benefits also let Kong Yu is very satisfied .
relationresultWhen Kong Yuwould mind from within the body recover, the rise is seen big witch nine-feng is a step toward its own ,is still the face of frost, which makes Kong Yu Rin ,thought the nine-feng to seize all the day mumbo jumbo as words ,mind is alert ,and the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms this time is standing in the front of Kong Yu ,the enemy of ready made .
relationresultThe bigWu nine-feng ignored the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms ,is still went to Kong Yu before them ,narrow eyes slight squint, looking at the big witch Xiangliu said , Liu ,you think you restore this mana can and I against ?To pick up you ,is very simple .
Get out of the way ,I know what I . , relationresultPhase Liuheard nine-feng words ,understand nine-feng words without any exaggeration ingredients ,even though he now restores seven or eight mana and into ,the nine-feng went through the war, but the big witch nine-feng is still can easily beat him ,while the devils in animal forms two root is negligible existence .
relationresultBut nowthe big witch Xiangliu is not to let any harm come to Kong Yu ,so that no enemy ,is still standing in front of Kong Yu ,facing the big witch nine-feng said , nine-feng ,you should know that the has Kyushu tripod people represent what ,I don do anything stupid ,so bad for you .
, relationresultThebig witch Xiangliu nine-feng heard the words ,face slightly eased somewhat, but still did not stop the pace, is still going forward ,see such case ,the Xiangliu wanted to stop him, but this time, Kong Yu turned out to stop the Xiangliu ,he went to the front ,face the great witch nine-feng .
relationresultAt the front ofthe ancient primitive in having a great reputation in the race ,the top three in the row of the Kong Yu heart nine-feng ,also some unsettling ,fearing that he accidentally put the offended her ,will make things worse ,so it is with great care ,calm the mind ,to the great Kong Yu the nine-feng said , nine-feng predecessors ,you need to have the day mumbo jumbo pennant is to revenge ? , relationresultBecausehas no intention to see the big witch Mami nine-feng abdomen that a wound, so that Kong Yu has such a speculation, while listening to the words of Kong Yu, the big Wu nine-feng seems to have been touched the most do not want to recall the past ,face showing a painful look ,while the body momentum is fierce burst out ,the oppression of the Kong Yu them step by step backward .
relationresultFortunatelythe nine-feng face pain expressions and body style is passed ,although than previously and demon God when the outbreak of war the British action is stronger ,but not to Kong Yu they hurt ,and Kong Yu at this time was to say , nine-feng predecessors ,if you want to borrow all day mumbo jumbo streamers to avenge it, there is no problem ,but this day mumbo jumbo Pennant does not belong to you . Related articles:

