
beats by dre studio go!! The strengt

Can frighten that brain bag flurried step back.

But that claims to be "Neptunian" guy, wanting to come can't be unknown generation.Chen Xiao is regarded as the New appointee of remarkable talent field, don't know also and calculate as usual, but the smoke spends this omniscient guy, but is definitely know ground.

Just listenned to Chen Xiao's problem, smoke flower but have no immediately answer, but the purse one's lips wanted to think, but shook, tone very describe with a delicate touch of appearance:"It is also a wretch."

Chen Xiao listenned to.Not from get wry smile in heart.

Pitiful ground of person?In proud array S class.Incredibly drive this smoke flower say into wretchedness ground person ……so ground"wretchedness person".So afraid of the whole remarkable talent field ground persons all really would like to be this kind of"wretchedness person"."Waiting ground is enough long.Peacock adult."

The Neptunian lazy ocean ocean ground stretched one lazy waist.Have to say.She the ground is this posture.If see in the man's eyes.Just could not say ground captivating moderate breezes feeling.But fall this eyes at the peacock in.Really is a seductive eyes to throw to let blind person see.

The peacock has already sought one to wither away a ground of tree trunk to sit down.Looking at sky ground cloud quietly.Imitate a Buddha that lifelessly clouds.All want to compare in front, this woman to want fascinating hundredfold.

It is Neptunian to see peacock not to talk.It is not angry either.Is shallow shallow again a smile:"Peacock adult.I ground time is limited.Always wait so descend don't go ……like?You ground those friends' walking ground is enough far?"

"Trust.If you can defeat me.With your ground skill.Catching up them isn't difficult.Your nature can spare no one them."The peacock finally lowered the head to see this Neptunian one eye.Light way:"If losing a ground of person is you.They have already walked to also walk.Have again with you what relation?"

Neptunian Zheng Zheng, but clap hands to say with smile:"Is quite good!Indeed as expected is a peacock adult, say of be really reasonable.I know that you are to want to wait what they walked to be again far some in case we beat ……H'm, your oriental has a words are how to says of, , I thought of and was called city gate accidental fire.Bring disaster to fish in the moat.To?"

Listen to Neptunian to use Jian puckery not smooth Chinese speak "the city gate catches fire and brings disaster to fish in the moat" eight words.The peacock also just lightly ordered to nod and finally stood:"About."

Saw this in years past world-renown blood peacock to stand, Neptunian the ground immediately refraining from rash action to have whole body is lazy, the look in the eyes is abrupt however serious to get up-joke to return to joke, intentionally do one that idlely sends to also be regarded as a mental war of 1 kind, but really need to begin, the blood heap"blood peacock" that was thick to come out that used numerous remarkable talent superiors in those early years isn't a soft persimmon!

"So …… start."

The Neptunian eye wave flows to turn, clearly is the Mou son that inebriates a person, but show unintentionally for several cents, Sen however of murderous look, see later on she imitate Buddha Jiao Chen generally and lightly Duo stamp foot, the Jiao says with smile:"Peacock adult can want to show leniency!"

Say, she young and delicately the barefooted is on the ground just so Duo two duos, the grounds of foot are all abrupt however ruthlessly rocked!Imitate violent earthquake of Buddha general!

One that hears bomb later on is huge to ring!The place being trampled by her on the ground immediately appeared a profound crack crazily!

The earth incredibly drive she so a feet keep on trampling and step for a feet two pieces!!

Bomb however flap to concuss in, see the bush on the surroundings ground turn over to fly in succession, the earth's surface in a twinkling falls to sink, numerous groves all immediately kept on fallening off!

And the position of peacock place also exactly the position of crack extension, the peacock immediately deeply absorbed tone, the body immediately flew up ten several skies of rices!

See foot again, that very small group of islands, imitate a Buddha drive of the world one handle is huge of invisible of knife, mercilessly slice open two halfs!!

Imitate a Buddha a bread be cut open general, the foot is that group of islands, in the middle of violently bellowing, quickly fell to keep on sinking toward the both sides!The circumferential sea water flows out to come in, doesn't arrive a short moment and has already become one boundless later on!

The peacock sees in the eye, is also a Lin in the heart however:This guy, the real strenght pours to really allow of no small Qu!

Neptunian one feet stepped an islet to turn over, but she isn't afraid aqueous.The body is one Shan, submerged surging wave.

Is great sea at the moment up.Sees bluish green wave ten thousand insides, but where still have what group of islands the existence of the land?

In the peacock heart Lin however ……she knows her own weakness, if is on the land, the oneself nature is a not afraid other party.But on a waste of water, oneself can not fall to the ground, can*wear remarkable talent to keep flight.The other party but can freely gallop about in the sea water.The other party from number"Neptunian", want to come from however have some special skills in the sea water.

This eliminates that to rise, the other party is exceling most of environment in, but oneself still have already divided one part of strength to keep flight, don't begin, have already had to the other party for several cents cheapness.

This is Neptunian to make moves have been already made firm decision as well, a don't utter, sank an island first!

Voice from spread under:"Peacock adult, my right here.Do you want down?"

See a sea surface bottom, suddenly drilled a head, the Neptunian bubble smiles in Shui-li.

The peacock humed 1,beats by dre studio.Don't talk.Is Neptunian but sighed tone:"The peacock adult isn't willing to come down, so I have to begin first."

See her lightly on smiling, immediately this one sea surface square the number is 100 meters, suddenly at originally and flatly sea surface up, summoned up a per closely of bubble!See numerous bubbles vacillating to break later on, water voice roars and shouts, as if high pressure water dragon opened general of that kind of sharp of roar and shout a voice, a per bubble under, 110 water arrowses coagulate but become.Ruthlessly arouse to shoot but go to toward the place of the sky peacock place!

Hear these intensive water arrowses break empty voice, can to but know strength in which is how of Be getting more astonishing!

The eyes Mi of peacock get up, the body suddenly quickly revolved at first, moment her high speed revolve, the air of surroundings** a strongly current of air whirlpool!Nearby and immediately formed one current of air layer!

110 water arrowses almost and neither end up in nothing and all shoot at that current of air whirlpool in, but see the sky in water spend four to shoot, the together a water arrows is all played to open!

The peacock person is empty in the half, the body immediately stopped down.The hands match in the chest, sneer way:"Small sea snake, hide all right in Shui-li?See me forcing out you!"

Finish saying, the hands of peacock are lightly abrupt however open, vomited tone in ……


Is a to violently flap to concuss a voice, as if explode to play to generally blast open at the her ground center of palm of hand!

Immediately see together as if only pillar general current of air impact the wave is from her center of palm of hand surging but, mercilessly toward under of the sea surface sweep to let but go!!

The strength of the wave that is Neptunian to see that impact, immediately look in the eyes part, abrupt however the body mercilessly slipped to open toward a side to ……

The impact wave mercilessly bumped into ocean on.An of bombing.As if an equivalent pole highland the underwater bomb burst generally!The strength that pounds at wave kept to mercilessly bump into an underwater only afraid have deep 100 meterses!!Then mercilessly burst to open in deep water!

See this one sea surface, abrupt however of.Underwater vacillating numerous spirit waves,The Xiu Xiu Xiu XiuOf the dynasty sky flee interest but go, then abrupt however, the impact wave of an explosion launches under deep water, pounds at strength for extending and madly opens toward surroundings proliferation the sea water of this one district!

Can see without the aid of instruments this act spectacular sight:The scope of square number 100 meters, the sea water of this one waters, as if drive strength that disobeyed normal regulations, mercilessly lined up to go out!Moment, in the center of the sea surface quickly descend but go to, then imitate Buddha sea water in appeared one vacuum district!!!!

That is originally Neptunian already descend get to sea water in, but still be pounded at wave to sweep in, just she but open double arm, below the hills wrap up 1 F all over concealed however of as if water current general defense cover similarly thing, at impact wave ground explosion in, the sea water on all sides is madly lined up do, that of is the strength how astonishing?Just she but station's center in impact wave, Wei however immobility!

Just foot but dry!Neptunian station at bottom of sea of ground, sea water drive moment row dry behind, bottom of sea of reef, seaweed, coralline etc. all bare at air in!

The peacock of the sky humed a , the hands cross, the corner of mouth lightly vomited a few words Related articles:

