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Power ok ,let them become a personal followers ,completely lost their freedom and dignity ,this may ?relationresultYes ,is the follower, it need to slowly map ,not to accomplish at one stroke ,we patiently wait is a pressing matter of the moment ,we still hard to earn school integration ,to improve their quality matter, I think the crown Hao was rid of me ,no not long eyes to you .
Qin Tianzong finished the sentence, then a poof disappear ,leaving the south wild being at a loss what to do all the elite .relationresultQindays longitudinal figure again from the air show ,he had already reached the court outside .
relationresultSince havingone million Menpai contribution ,Qin days if the heart will itch ,have been thinking about something in the court ,this time everything is processed, he naturally unable to hold oneself back to court in have a look have what they need .
relationresultAt the same timeone time seven Qin days if not in court a floor and a body but directly on the third floor .relationresultForcesalso play the elders to see Qin talented young go to three completely lost profile fan gas to bring Qin Tianzong stopped ,only no ytterbium to shell out a law enforcement the temple elders token, those maps ,tireless } all eyes rounded ,followed by a pressing matter of the moment to abnormal Gong vertical-day please in ,but also enhance their enthusiasm with Qin song has guarded this floor Middle East after what ,not y longitudinal with these the elder Qin days if selected east down face Hsin-mei Lin convenient and fast ,which makes him in fact Sir Qin Tianwei a good use, the case is good all already arrived since the five layer below a clamor for law enforcement Temple disciple and elders to longitudinal heart Jun fee open ,so both Qin Tianzong in the west ,beats by dre uk,the West does not require faction contribution, just register to Cangzhen array .
relationresultButQin Tianzong took the court on the third floor ,four floor and five floor all around the circle ,also did not find what they need ,the three floor ,although this work a lot, but Qin vertical-day itself by practicing five Chinese Qigong ,quality is not better than the court of power law difference .
As for the martial arts, Qin Tianzong does not think this world and Nye Bevan hands dry cloud better stunts ,at least he has yet to see .relationresultAs tohelp the south wild take Chinese Elite skills and tips ,Qin Tianzong was never the idea ,he thought were also never let law enforcement hall people take advantage of the loophole .
relationresultQin Tianzong did notwant to help the south wild to the elite to enhance the strength ,but he felt to help these people should also have a limit ,if the spare no effort to help them, although able to enhance their strength ,but it will allow them to make a life of ease work habits, in the long run but is killed they .
relationresultWhen thevertical-day spent some faction contribution into the court of the six floor, his eyes lit up ,because the court six buildings ,was there with water ,wind ,lightning attribute attribute attribute work method and the skill .
relationresultThe wrath of Poseidon Tao will ,how to look angry water with nine days is a bit like ?I was practicing the mysterious product high order power the waters nine days is the Wrath of Poseidon Tao is incomplete edition ? Qin Tianzong was filled with water properties main jade Jane stroll around in a circle ,the final selection of a relevant Wrath of Poseidon Tao tactic method ,face by with a confused look .
relationresultQindays longitudinal not hesitate to put his knowledge of God in the jade Jane ,sea god Tao will start reading .relationresultQin Tianzong incourt in be like hunger and thirst to absorb a mass of work methods and skills ,business Dynasty is in a dreadful mess .
relationresultHao son died, Hao was actually dead ,how can this be ? , relationresultWu ER in Yan Yunzong scholarship ,but he is not Yan Yunzong disciples ,is our business Dynasty prince ,who have so much courage ,dare to kill Hao ! , relationresultLook ,the issue must be checked after all ,even though Yan Yunzong is killed Hao ,we also want to compete with Yan Yunzong ,Hao is our business Dynasty have the greatest potential for prince ,is also the last hope into the God realm prince ,even fall in Yan Yunzong ,Yan Yunzong must give us a satisfactory account for ! , relationresultZhenwutemple ,the big business of China ,emperor ,empress dowager queen and the uncle looked at Prince Wu Yiran shattered the life jade collection ,all of them be filled with righteous indignation ,face full of angry expression .
relationresultAs theEmpress Dowager ,the big business of court of all action ,only an hour of Kung Fu, occur in Fenglin don prehospital thing in detail presented before the people .relationresultSouthern barbarian ,inside-door ,Qin ,Qin talented ?What stuff? When the south wild man also has struck me big business Dynasty Prince strength ? Empress Dowager Zhan day after hand jade after Jane Finch ,her face was covered in puzzled look ,if not for her to the big business intelligence group in the capacity of an extreme trust ,she almost doubt the jade simple things that are full of people used to fool yourself .
relationresultyears ago ,South aragami king still, south wild and Yao Chun door is very influential ,arrogant .Today just south of savage land has become synonymous with the barbarians ,south wild to people but is seldom work in Arcane Blast exit above .
The big business of China emperor ,Shang King Yin is doubtful .relationresultConcubine body is heard of the Qin Yao longitudinal some things ,once from the northern shrine sky spread out on a rumor ,Qin talented Austrian gas exit well-being, he escaped the Austrian environmental quality Guo Yunhui to blow ,he is from the ruins to get God stone ,this rumor attract many people to the south to snatch the wild God stone ,just only to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled .
Big business queen week Mei hesitated for a moment ,said with a frown .relationresultAustrian gas exit quality ,if Qin Tianzong is just the Austrian gas exit his words ,so he simply can not be Hao opponents ,to know Hao work but had reached Allgens exit ,a month ago, also reached the Austrian entry .
, relationresultNo matter what ,Qin days if killed Wu Er is in fact ,a live, let Zhang Wu generals went to Yan Mountain representations ,Yan Yunzong must be surrendered Qin days if ,at the same time must give us a big business Dynasty a satisfactory explanation :child support laws led the army to the south in the South wild land ,destroy the Wu cloud country and inside-door ,dominate the south wild land ! Business King Yin gradually lost their discussions with the patient ,he hired on this matter ,he issued a verdict .
relationresultQin Tianzong wasin court for three days .relationresultIn threedays ,he not only his Tao the wrath of Poseidon will , relationresultGiveall together, he also found a -- lose one without pole ,this is a superb work of lightning attribute practice work must ,court about lightning attribute power it was less, the magic works lightning attribute function will is only this ,Qin vertical-day took Sishijiwan door-to-door contribution degree ,to put the work will give off .
relationresultQin Tianzongbelieved that ,as long as his Tao Wrath of Poseidon will , relationresultAnd -- lose one without pole to practice to become a state ,their quality breakthrough Austrian throughout the day is not a problem .
relationresultJust before Qin Tianzong is about toenter the court seven buildings above ,want to see the court whether there is other what they are interested in ,he arraigned Yufuhe suddenly rang ,he had to immediately return to Fenglin don institute .
relationresultWell ,how is this going ? See maple other homes outside scenes of streams of people busily coming and going ,Qin days if was a sink .relationresultBest wishes ,these are big business Dynasty people ,as if they are on to you .
Wang Shujiang aside and warns .relationresultBig business Dynasty how people can be freely Yanyun case ? Qin Tianzong asked suspiciously . Big business Dynasty genius countless thousands Related articles:

