
Beats by Dr Dre solo as long as it is f

Line ,can lend the nine-feng all day mumbo jumbo streamers to take revenge, but this day mumbo jumbo Pennant but not belonging to the big witch nine-feng .But hearing these words the big witch nine-feng thought for a bit ,eventually agreed .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 277th chapter heaven channel , relationresultThe bigWu nine-feng began to see Kong Yu, and not Kong Yu seriously ,after all, a Kong Yu mana in his eyes is not what ,and when the hole jade summons all the day mumbo jumbo pennant ,which raises the big witch nine-feng attention, because it is the day mumbo jumbo Pennant but the ancestor witch under the first Chi You refining magic, with Supreme power .
relationresultAndsee it all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, big witch nine-feng is naturally to be take forcible possession of ,but never thought Kong Yu was also have the Jiuding ,which lets get some hesitation .
Not that she doesn all the day mumbo jumbo pennant ,but not directly from the hands of Kong Yu hard to grab, because she know refining refining Kyushu tripod are adhering to atmospheric transport and health of people ,but this time the protagonist, if she and such person oppose ,it is sure to move to crowning calamity .
relationresultFor Kong Yuthis uphold the atmospheric transport and health of people ,only to draw ,and lay a good relationship ,so it can pick up and make their own way ,also can get some benefits, so when Kong Yu proposed in the big witch nine-feng needed the day mumbo jumbo banner when, will have the day mumbo jumbo pennant lend the nine-feng when, big witch nine-feng will nodded .
relationresultAnd see thebig witch nine-feng nod ,hole jade ,the Xiangliu and devils in animal forms are relieved ,they really are worried about the big witch nine-feng will not promise ,but they are really not big witch nine-feng opponents ,there is definitely a disadvantage of them .
And now the big witch nine-feng agreed, then they would have nothing to worry about .relationresultLiu ,previously you are English action so shame ,Beats by Dr Dre solo,don to take revenge ?I think he must be somewhere waiting to see the star to be destroyed .
The big Wu nine-feng nodded promised Kong Yu after the light toward the Xiangliu said ,while the Xiangliu heard the nine-feng words ,is immediately are flash is toward the sky .
relationresultTheXiangliu doesn big witch nine-feng will promise and then deny in succession ,when he left to grab all the day mumbo jumbo streamers, because the family is never as good as gold ,although born cruel militant ,but say ,promised things never go back ,so he will leave the rest .
While the Xiangliu now restores seven or eight mana into the face flesh ,lost the English action ,so the absolute is a big advantage ,I must be previously humiliated all get back .
relationresultBut when thebig witch Xiangliu to fly to the sky when, was observed only a little green passed ,but the moment is gone ,it is a demon God of action ,but at that point the green disappeared ,the Xiangliu his anger passed ,but it is nothing, this time chasing is not catch up, while the big witch nine-feng expected yes ,this demon God the action really is hiding in the sky ,want to look at the stars destroyed ,Kong Yu waiting to see all of them fall of the picture ,but he ultimately did not wait .
relationresultAlthough there was nodemon God to British action ,but the thought of demon God English recruit lose the physical ,natural strength is greatly reduced, and his physical mana are by their income ,the Xiangliu heart rage subsided ,and even the demon God move in English to find a body ,then also to start practice, then ,is absolutely could no longer be his opponent ,this also lets the big witch Xiangliu heart uncomfortable a lot .
relationresultTurn around and flyback to Kong Yu before them ,shook his head no can do to a demon God of strokes ,Kong Yu did not say anything, but the big witch nine-feng is big witch nine-feng said , this is England star recruit management for thousands of years ,the Terrans are his training needs ,I the British recruited to natural is not easily give up ,if you wait here, so it was until the British move .
, relationresultTheXiangliu listening nine-feng words after nodded ,for the big witch nine-feng words he still believe firmly ,because the big witch nine-feng in Malay has such a high position ,not only because of her strength, but because the nine-feng wisdom ,the original Lich in World War II, the family numerous victories are a big witch nine-feng .
relationresultKong Yu listened tothe nine-feng words is nodded ,Wu nine-feng said yes, although this demon God English recruit escaped, but he certainly is not willing to give up the stars like this ,so for the sake of the stars ,they also need to leave a period of time ,but after this once the war ,Kong Yu is also a lot of things need to digest .
relationresultNine-feng predecessors ,that you are here or another place ? Hole facing the jade nine-feng asked with great care ,and the big witch nine-feng after listening to the remarks Kong Yu said , I have local practice, all the day mumbo jumbo Pennant put you here, I want to use the time will naturally come to you .
, relationresultKong Yu listened tothe nine-feng won stay here, heart in relief and also some regret ,although the big witch nine-feng don stay here let them not be always on tenterhooks for ,after all, such a powerful and unable to grasp the characters around, many people do not rest assured ,however such a character if to stay ,then encountered a powerful enemy of the time ,chance for survival is larger .
relationresultBut Kong Yualso did not forget them to the stars, purpose, listening to the big witch nine-feng words after nodded ,and then to the big witch nine-feng said , nine-feng predecessors ,you know the channel into paradise where ?We have also come to find out about this thing ,if the senior you know, please enlighten .
, relationresultYou go to heaven to do? To you now that strength ,there does not have a death wish ?The family now left bloodline already not much ,you should still do not know this ,don want us all to sever the veins of the family ? The big Wu nine-feng heard Kong Yu words have some anger ,rage against the dying of the said to Kong Yu .
relationresultListen tothe big witch nine-feng Kong Yu mouth out with a bitter smile ,did not answer the nine-feng why you to heaven ,because in the past that he does not want to mention ,just lightly touched his chest red crystal eyes ,then firmly on the nine-feng said , nine-feng predecessors ,I have to go to heaven reason ,if you know the way into paradise ,please advice .
, relationresultWatch Kong Yutouched his chest red crystal ,as the family great witch nine-feng ,for true soul soul nature is extremely sensitive ,for refining the soul spell is extremely skilled ,so as to understand some hole jade to heaven ,but she is hesitant what should tell hole Yutong the road to heaven .
relationresult , relationresultThe 278th chapter took to , relationresultSincethe Lich wars and the Chi You and Xuanyuan Huang Di for the primitive earth hegemony after World War II ,the family is become a general ,in heaven became everyone wants to beat role ,as long as it is found in the Malay blood, the heaven man would rise up to attack, so the family will go to heaven it is a very dangerous thing .
relationresultSo thebig witch nine-feng did not agree with Kong Yu to heaven ,but saw Kong Yu touched his chest red crystal ,in witch nine-feng insight nature is know in that red crystal seal in two real soul soul ,and from the Kong Yu touch red crystal that moment out of deep love ,is to let the nine-feng aware that Kong Yu is a spoony man ,so the hearts will be hesitate ,do not know whether or not these things tell hole jade . Related articles:

