
beats by dre studio ingshan killed the

Read not to forget the place .Because the work is busy he also do not smoke time to see again ,now ,how should go to that place to look .Or words ,in the future also do not know to have the chance to come to this place !relationresultIn facthe Guoxing wants to see the virgin forest is not his main goal ,his main purpose is to think and his three hardcore old men find a quiet place to talk about .
In a standing ,if there are three with a mission of the committee, that is an absolute force not to be ignored .relationresultToZhao Wang County eighty kilometers less than an hour to several people ,nor to the county Party committee and prefectural government .
Lin Hao jumped out and inquired about in the county down forest direction ,then to the destination .It took more than 20 kilometers, far seen a wild profusion of vegetation mountains appear in front of everyone .
The county road construction is still very good , relationresult,in this respect ,Zhao Wang county that help people still pay much attention to road foundation construction .Drove for about ten kilometers ,came to the mountain at the foot of a small village, in front of no way .
relationresultA pedestrianto jump off from the car ,Li Qingshan took out two double barrel shotgun ,gives He Qiang and Mu Guoxing a .While He Qiang was wondering when, Li Qingshan and from the bag and pulled out a small red ,had also held the two clips .
relationresultCastle Peak ah ,you also prepare for full ! He stared at the hands of Li Qingshan Guoxing micro punching ,some banter and asked: before you open the two car is to prepare for these things ? , relationresultOh ,mayor ,you think less of me ! Li Qingshan said one side open the trunk of the car ,moving down a two of the paper box ,open a look, which in addition to food and drink ,but there are still two first aid kit .
relationresultWesee the happy, the sun: Li Qingshan ,do you this guy is not looking forward to something good, come out to play is to accompany the mayor to relax ,you take the first aid kit out it bad luck ? , relationresultLi QingshanrelationresultNeither fast nor slowsaid: ,you and Mr.
Liu is a frail scholar ,these things you are certainly amateurs .Do not believe you ask our mayor and new brother ,since go wild, these things are necessary ,this is be prepared against want ah ! , relationresultA pedestriancasually eat something ,your car to a farmer looking for ,they have a pleasant talk together to go to the mountains .
relationresultHe Qiang wavedhis good soldiers ,holding a shotgun ,walking in a few of the front, acted as pioneer role .Mu Guoxing and the others to see while walking ,is the original forest protection is very good ,except for some vaguely seen may be wood people out of the mountain ,the other places were all kinds of trees blocked airless .
relationresultAnother twokm ,the front is really no way out ,Li Qingshan regretted saying: see ,I think over and over again just forgot to bring a machete to ,if you have it ,can be good .
, relationresultThe voice just fell,from the front came the sound of a gunshot ,Li Qingshan three step two step ran ,while Mu Guoxing will hear two people shouts of surprise .After a while ,not far from the two men ,Hejiang carrying a hypertrophy of the pheasant ,grinning , relationresultTogo out .
relationresultHe Qiang,aroused Li Qingshan Yoshikatsu heart, carrying a gun to the deep woods rushed to stop ,by Mu Guoxing .relationresultCastle Peak ah ,don go to the inside, so the big woods ,I guess there will certainly be beast infested ,but ten million cannot at this time .
Go ,we go over there and have a look ,maybe there will be unexpected gains which . , relationresultButon the way ,Mu Guoxing is now on the edge of a forest with a sweet potato ,wild boar spoil like ,these animal tracks ,it can be said that Mu Guoxing is no stranger ,he grew up with the old fairy grandfather in the remote mountain herbs ,what kind of animal do not see ah .
relationresultSure enough,the gang went to the sweet potato not far away ,he heard the cries of wild boar ,and eats the clap sound .Mu Guoxing made a gesture ,for a hit, with Li Qingshan and the Hejiang slowly towards the group of wild boars has surrounded the past .
relationresultUnder the command of Mu Guoxing,three people of respective aimed at their prey ,three guns almost at the same time the deafen the ear with its roar sound ,with gunfire ,three boar lying on the floor ,out of the park park , relationresultBlood,four legs kicking a moment to cut off gas .
The rest of the wild boar is that come unexpectedly shot scared, all ran into the forest ,not for a moment and ran a not the least trace was found .relationresultSeveral peoplewent to see the three boar killed is not great ,the largest is 9779 jin .
In particular Li Qingshan killed the only smaller, looks like has not yet adult .They saw a laugh ,have made fun of the director with a the most advanced gun ,killed a minimum of wild boar .
relationresultSix men carryingthree wild boar ,go forward with great strength and vigour to the small mountain village .Just came to the next to the car ,they saw a village cadre who appeared with several villagers came .
A meeting repeatedly praised .relationresultBoss ,good marksmanship !Listen to the message you is it right? From the sweet potato to take taxi ?Alas ,we are bastards to toss up hard ,so the crops ,overnight let the beasts ruined .
, relationresultHe Qiang waspuzzled and asked : how do you play ? , relationresultTo play ,what to play ?Originally our village there is a clay gun ,is to prevent it , relationresultSomeanimals use .
Later the station say wild boar is the national animal protection ,don ,we put the gun to give away .First ,we use tie setting off firecrackers to scare him, the effect is also good ,but for a long time ,these animals have also been used to simply do not eat this set, the scourge of crops or how to curse .
You say I pay up ,we killed the boar is illegal, the boar scourge of our crops it illegal crime ? , relationresultThevillage cadre questions they asked Mu Guoxing to have lived ,several people looked at each other and who also gave out an answer ,Mu Xing asked the village cadre : this guy ,you are here in the village cadres ?What is your name? , relationresultThevillage cadre seems to have a bit of culture, very politely said : I say here is the director of the village ! , relationresultMu Guoxing smiled and said: director Liu ,we have today to do not only for hunting ,just want to have a look primeval forest ,the three wild boar you have had eaten !Stew the leave us a pot on it .
The pheasant ,if it is convenient for you can help me with you together ?Later we will be a reward ! , relationresultDirector Liu: we listen ,hurriedly waving , relationresultDonwant you to call the boar ,if village cadre to know ,sent our money not to say if you keep us and sent to the county to be in trouble .
I persuade you or hurry !Don trouble ! ,beats by dre studio, relationresultMu Guoxing felt thedirector Liu is very good a person ,the body with a mountain plain honest effort ,said with a smile : director Liu ,don ,today we eat together, if they come to fine ,penalty we are ,and what is your relationship ?After we gave him a word .
What could they do ? , relationresultDirector Liuto laugh : you are the boss said, we him a finished won afraid of him at ! , relationresultDirector Liusaid at him a long very sturdy mountain people shouted: mountain baby ,go up to some people ,put a few animals to tidy up ,leaving a big stew . Related articles:

