
beats by dre d want to control H

A method of acoustic ,evil shadow chin almost nibbling on the ground .relationresultWho would have thought thatscience would drive Li Mu looking for trouble ?relationresultWho would have thought,including Li Mu .
relationresultAt the front ofthe strong handsome boy ,Li Mu is startled .relationresultLi Mupinched fist ,flame out ,he now hates not punch will stand in front of the Longfei into fly ash .
relationresultBut the thought ofParty evil shadow ,he put his fist to loosen the .relationresultA deep breath,adjust state of mind ,good for a long time ,Li Mucai restrained himself, sneer and asked: to be old ? , relationresultLongfeihey out: if you don .
, relationresultHaha ha .relationresultLi Mulaughed .relationresultHa ha ha ha ... ... , relationresultLook aroundthe spectators laughed too .relationresultLi Muxiao,because he felt that the young man was there seems to be a problem .
relationresultThe spectatorslaugh ,because they feel Longfei said ,a bit funny .relationresultHaha ha .relationresultThe crowd was stilllaughing ,Li Mu also laugh ,everyone except Longfei ,only one person did not laugh .
relationresultShadowside of evil ,because he is now a bit funny ... ... , relationresult! , relationresultWhen Li Muxiaocould not homemade ,Longfei raised her hand and gave him a big mouth .
relationresultThis notemouth pumping, crisp and loud .relationresultWithscience this slap in the face ,the crowd suddenly became in perfect silence ... ... , relationresultThe fifteenth chapter of Hypericum , relationresultThe presence of all the people,who did not think ,dare hit Li Mu in the face of longfei .
relationresultWho is Li Mu?Level seven level six big bucket ,Royal Apothecary, of identity, he can be on an equal footing and the emperor ,see emperor not kneel ,see who do not respect ,on the strength of the entire empire ,Seira ,can anyone better than him ,and never more than twenty people .
relationresultLongfieldis who ?relationresultUnknowncity college ,a small student ,can say ,they two identity ,different .relationresultIfLi Mu hit Longfei a mouth ,probably everyone will think this is normal ,but if the turn ?relationresultIt is beyond logic and above reason.
relationresultTheboy ,looking a little live underwhelmed by ... ... , relationresultSurprise,wonder, so that the scene suddenly cold down tens of degrees ,in it time to stop a few minutes ,around .
.. ... Very quiet .relationresultYou ,you ... ... , relationresultLi Muhaodid return to God ,that face the whole into iron green ,he lived for more than 300 years old ,beats by dre,was publicly palmar a frog ,or the first time .
relationresultAndothers have different views ,Longfei now sober was ,he knew what he was doing ,because know ,did he have to do so .relationresultIn the beginning,he didn played was Li Mu son ,and if he knew ,he would kick a few feet .
relationresultLi MuXiao Yuhai so badly ,the enemy ,Longfei early can for a long time .relationresultYou don give the same ,your son is not a good thing to think that his own son ,identity ,to bully others ,I just gave him a small lesson ,I would like to ask where is wrong ? , relationresultLi Munever said a word the burning flame ,the palm is reached longfei .
relationresultSaywhat ?At the moment, he is not evil shadow that aspect scruples side ,because now ,he has sufficient reason ,kill in front of the shame his kid .relationresultBut,when his fire hand from Longfei throat there are less than three centimeters away, he suddenly stopped ,as stiff ,as if being applied to body method ,motionless .
relationresultLi Mudid not move ,is entirely because of Longfei hands ,holding a thing .relationresultIt is aspecies of red orbs ,above the clouds streamer flashing ,swimming ,an open book is not everything .
relationresultThe ! , relationresultLi Mubiting a tooth to kneel in front of science .relationresultOutsidewatch guests is not exceptional also ,when they see the red orbs Longfei hands ,without exception ,all fell down upon the ground ,to the end ,even the side of evil shadow also fell down on his knees ,relationresultSeiraEmpire had three pass the treasure of the country ,the first thing ,wind dragon sword ,second, for a, third, hypericum .
relationresultAmong them,the wind dragon sword and dragon armour has been kept in the palace ,as the national treasure ,be handed down from age to age ,but another treasure ,hypericum ,but not in the palace .
relationresultWinddragon sword ,ice armor ,hypericum ,three treasures together pattern ,is studded Empire style ,can say ,three treasures of the way ,even the one just talking children ,can recognize .
relationresultDragonholding a pearl ,it is undoubtedly hypericum .relationresultTheDragon orb ,the legend is derived from a nine order from the sacred fire people ,and by a bucket of Saint level mixing device master personally Cui Lian ,allowing the beads to maintain vitality continuously ,although for thousands of years ,but the beads in the temper not only not half reduced ,on the contrary, however year after year increase with .
relationresultOf course,even if the Longfei know this is a not a thing ,but if his strength did not reach the bucket holy day ,he will not be able to use the power to fire pearl .relationresultIn a word,want to control Hypericum inner strength ,the strength does not reach the bucket holy level ,it is impossible to do .
relationresultTheheart of Hypericum ,exactly six years ago Longfei leave hidden dragon town ,his father handed it to one of his cards .relationresultA dragonhome for thousands of years have not used the super !relationresultFire pearl lost ,without looking for ,my descendants ,you only need to remember one thing ,no matter how long past, when the Empire or not by you to grasp, no matter who ,as long as he took out a fire pearl ,you should be unconditional ,for he does two things .
, relationresultWithout any conditions the two thing, even if he wants your life ,even if he wants the country ,you will see him ,as I see ,hypericum ,visit ,to see who will kneel ,or shadow guard is executed by killing the aboriginal commands ,you are ,do you hear? , relationresultSeiraEmpire first founding emperor square Wuyang ,life at the age of eight hundred and seventy-two ,on his deathbed ,leaving the famous have caught the attention of .
relationresultFindHypericum ,you can request the party family unconditionally do two things ,even to their country ,to their lives ,do not have the mistake .relationresultPerhaps you will say thathave been used for thousands of years ,it has caught the attention of the executive should have been reduced to a negligible to no point ,if you think so ,is wrong .
relationresultPartyWuyang life is his hero ,hero ,death is also a hero, and Fang ,more than he is a hero ,his son ,his daughter ,is also the world, amazing heroes .relationresultIn the Empire ,there are two full live for nearly more than 3000 years old man ,they are Empire real pillar ,similarly, is also studded empire after thousands of years the real reason, they ,with readily removed from the emperor to them, is actually the leader of the Empire .
relationresultFangXiao Fang Yao !relationresultThey,it is Fang Wuyang left a pair of children ,in the early two thousand years ago ,the strength of promotion Doo holy legends class figures .
relationresultPartyWuyang not, but his left eyes equally effective ,as long as party and party ,Yao still Seira Empire day ,as long as they die, the left side Wuyang looked absolutely will not fail .
relationresultIn the Empire ,or even the entire dragon mainland ,no matter what kind of huge accident ,were not caused by the two bucket saint of attention, which can cause their attention to one thing only .
relationresultIs missing thatthousands of years of hypericum .relationresultAs long as you can findHypericum ,was equal to has the Empire ,at the same time, also equivalent to the two legendary Related articles:

