
cheap beats by dre fused this questio

Utter innocence. relationresultNie XiaoqianLing is out of the room ,tell him to wait for her house .relationresultLingcame to the lake ,but now Nie Xiaoqian already waiting there .relationresultso fast? Ling was surprised and said .
relationresultI from above down relatively quickly ! Nie Xiaoqian rolled her eyes ,and said .relationresultAre you all right ? Ling is concerned and asked .relationresultI I want to send this picture to you .
Nie Xiaoqian suddenly pulled out a picture to say .relationresultLing isopen on see ,are themselves they can the beauty shampoo figure ,surprise : picture ?!Why do you come here? , relationresultThis picture is my father three years before painting ,I will get married ,have a chance to get the picture ,picture is the man I see paintings ,like see me .
Nie Xiaoqian said softly .relationresultTo hear you say it .If we never meet again ? Ling is asked .relationresultI already betrothed to Montenegro .Three days to go . Nie Xiaoqian said helplessly .
relationresultI know you voluntarily .We think of a way to get out of here ? Ling is a heart in the body of Nie Xiaoqian .How to let oneself like a woman marries someone else ?relationresultNie Xiaoqianlooked up the weather .
The ghost is not exposed to the sun .Anxious tunnel: day quick bright .Can you let me go ! , relationresultThe morning better .At daybreak we can go ! Ling said alone .relationresultYou let me go .
.. ... Nie Xiaoqian painfully push Ling road .relationresultFound out ,we can find a way to ... ... , relationresult,I can ! Winston Nie Xiaoqian says .relationresultYou this poor boy ,why should marry the wealthy daughter of lady, do not want to ,I think you see my money, to you, I see more, I will not go with you ! Nie Xiaoqian to let Ling this ignorant nerd heart ,suddenly attitudes change .
relationresultHer ,how can you say such words to me? Ling is dismay .relationresultYou don ,I have to catch you ! Nie Xiaoqian threatened .relationresultGood ,I go ! All thoughts are blasted.
Ling ,the hands of the left picture ,heavily said , you take care of yourself ! Back off .relationresultBack intown ,it rains ,then selling crafts vendors see Ling he posted up : ,beauty wash painting could not find, you change your picture ? , relationresultPainting to people I have met ,she too cruel .
Ling is depressed ,throwing each other .relationresultShe has been dead for thirty years ,is our Guo Beizhen former guard adult daughter ,rain is so big, to the front cover ,are wet .
.. ... , relationresultI do not have your pipe ,she is not dead. You don curse him dead ! Ling is full of Nie Xiaoqian attitude change appearance, the annoying crafts vendors .relationresult,cheap beats by dre,wet ,do not walk .
.. ... , relationresultThisstreet is a chaos, hunt wanted mercenary ,fighting in the rain ,returned ,calligraphy and painting booth boss saying don ,just like a drop of water into the boiling oil ,bent on grasping wanted to take a mercenaries and bounty hunters to hear a wind blows grass move blindly chasing the source of the sound and come, then kill each other ,in a street .
relationresultAlthough thelight show than the reality is much more exaggerated ,but the vast continent border town of chaos is indeed difficult to imagine, as the burnt ground town ,already with the Guo Beizhen is not far away ,banditry ,public order .
relationresultLing isa bard ,hands can not mention ,shoulder can not resist ,even a chicken is killed ,with less human ,nature is not wanted .relationresultUnexpected,Ling saw a post in the town board wanted order ,that person is actually his portrait in blue if the fort saw the big beard, but a portrait beard has a scar above his left eye .
relationresultNing Caichen did notlook at the bearded face ,feel that the two person is a person ,suddenly shocked, do not know where to give birth to an unexpectedly courage ,scrambling, a horse a wildebeest ,reins ,turned towards the fort ,if blue direction at a gallop !relationresultThe thought ofthe bearded sage is a commit innumerable murders wanted, Ling is worried, afraid of big beard will kill her kind-hearted girl ,desperate to catch the last castle .
relationresultThe audience wasLing this stupid to stay ,there is still so silly bard ,can live well ,actually also to worry about others ,I really do not know that he is kind ,or stupid, or let the heart deceived by the mind !relationresultSkythunder, it was already dark ,but the rain is getting to .
relationresultAroad full of vicissitudes of life song through heavy rain came !relationresultHuman tract ,tract ... , road to road ,very road !Heaven road !Humanitarian kendo !... ..
. The bearded Jian Shengyan Chixia zhuangruo crazy in the rain brandishing a sword .relationresultThe shortness of thehooves from far and near, Yan Chixia and in the woods seduces a bounty hunter Nie Xiaoqian at the same time vigilant .
.. ... , relationresultLing istrying to save Nie Xiaoqian ,regardless of their own safety, direct riding into Nie Xiaoqian in the castle lived in that room ,looked up and saw the room light ,shouted: kitten .
.. ... , relationresultNie Xiaoqian wasfurious ,how she met such a pedantic Daisha bard ,how dare you come again if blue fort !relationresultButthis is she become ghost since the touch her heart man ,she doesn hurt him ,but do not want to him about something, to quickly fly back ,just in time to see Ling the foolish man to his room window shouting, terrified her will pull down ,then allowing no explanation ,reach out to cover his mouth !relationresultThe skycame a sound of thunder, the Lich was sucking blood feeding, and the little green around him to serve, make sure there were no news ,Nie Xiaoqian before releasing Ling mouth .
relationresultIt ? , relationresultThe rain is nothing, I often fell in the river, always wet . Ling is a rare humor .relationresultWe go to the kiosk to avoid a obstacle ! Nie Xiaoqian pulled the Ling ran ran its direction .
relationresultHandsome ,you ,the beard is a wanted man ,I just came back to tell you ,call you to be careful ... ... Ling followed Nie Xiaoqian back to run ,saying .relationresultRather,it also rujierzhi .
relationresultYou are to save I came back ? Nie Xiaoqian moved ,although the man is stupid ,but he has done everything for themselves, even if they do that to her ,he was so concerned about their own ,so man is extinct .
relationresultLing isstaring at Nie Xiaoqian ,said: I really want to see you ! , relationresultHavecourage small even ants are not trampled Ling is actually as before Nie Xiaoqian, said he thought he was able to say .
relationresultSuddenly thought ofselling crafts people speak of painting in the man has been dead for thirty years ,Ling and confused ,this question in his mind for a long time is coiled ,could not help but ask: Why buy the painting that painted in the woman died thirty years ? , relationresultNie Xiaoqiangently buried Ling Zhen arms ,and said: now say these ,okay ? , relationresultYou forget that in two days I will to the door ? Nie Xiaoqian offered to kiss a Ling ,the mid-lake Pavilion around rises four white walls, were covered inside beckons to spring !relationresultThis time Nie Xiaoqianis to be most willing to ,not seduce him . Related articles:

