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Be also refuted by him rendered speechless, Hey however counter-question:"What about that Yi?Rang not Yi?You see a Bo space, he grows abroad, is the troops and horses how strong?That 23-year-old younger brother in his home, already the peter leads a 45-year-old kid head!"Han Fu says:"See you also see Li Jia Jun, week surname brothers.After strong or weak crosses swords just divide a superiority!I world in the Yong house don't lack officers and men, as long as canning not helping soldier's A, the teacher necessarily have 1,000,000, re-appear medium Wu Xiong Feng, what different interpretation do you have?"The black expert says:"Certainly have!If the Yi person has bow, I can use Nu.If the enemy takes 300 bows, I use to shoot 500 Nus to defend city.If the enemy uses to ride soldier to beat, we use car soldier, stone cannon and hurl train in response to the enemy.If they climb city, we draw up a steps brigade and use to play a bamboo, kerosene, fishing net response, such, the square can last long ground to win them!"
Han Fu counter-questions:"Why don't take the offensive them?If I the dynasty man no longer add a cloth hat, but add a skin hat and keep Ma Ji Liang and all lift how is the sword of three Chinese feet?Isn't the master son is just wanting to hold regiment to do by this method?"The black expert excitedly says:"He was influenced by you to break down!Take the offensive?Floating a Jiao young tiger by person of nomad's way of life is fierce, imperial government will heavy walk medium Wu Di's waste the resources road!"
Lyu Qi sees the power head that they tie to fight and helplessly shake and come outside to hope from the door and hope nap and returned to sleep a to feel, getting up the sky has already received bright, still and just and loudly quarrel an issue on the positive hall.She helplessly shake, is about to see own chicken, discover through the pant but go into, flustered and frustrated later on, turn head to look about Li Cheng Chang.
Li Cheng Chang comes in and then says:"I really feared him.He What an a devil for killing people!"Lyu Qi asks:"How?"Li Cheng Chang excitedly says:"He wails aloud to weep aloud and escorts the person in the county to the city to outside stand into one row, the Piao chops down to neglect.The kids of under charge all mowed a person of ……, go home to swallow to repair sun.The skull that still needs to use personal enemy does a wine machine.The D is strong also all went crazy similar hold knife to mow meat, divide person's meat to eat!"
Lyu Qi from the beginning crest the bottom that is cool to arrive feet, mumblingly ask:"You are frightenning a person?The words of master son, doesn't he listen to as well?" Through turn head to say:"In county come of the martial member rob into common people's house, deceit male Ba female, block city gate don't let be beaten by the bandit Nian of D strong with common people go into the city avoid a disaster.Caused totally hating of the common people.
He says also to, he is a deputy county Wei, he sink armed forces and people outside the inside, no matter who take care of,make people take advantage o calamity to come to Duo county city regardless of?I am just a spirit, can annoy his behavior savage, don't take off the Da sub- bad habit, also annoy his bastard, settle however annoy above!"
His while speaking, Li Cheng Chang robs doorway and anxiously presses for controversial various person:"Quickly, quick!County magistrate's adult said that make you follow me now, arrive me to avoid there."
Several people file in but, don't know to dislike more threshold Ai matter.They just deep one feet shallow one escape, through look about to see Lyu Gong to come back, immediately copy carrying pole and say for wife:"All is this evil boy incites, we are crowded to live him, also make the officers leave!"His wife immediately also copied a carrying pole, let him front and back catch a son.
Lyu Gong is walking,beats by dre pro, discover to round to walk a few familiar looking persons in front, the old dad holds carrying pole with send, immediately shout loudly to say:"Han Fu is a spy, how do you make him hide at our house?"
His mother walked Jie, abrupt however lift carrying pole to beat since his another side came out, beats while roaring:"Let you not learn like!Let you follow a Bo space to run?"
She a dozen went to Lyu Gong Nian a garden door, through immediately lift carrying pole with go into, cooperate and arrive the corner of wall to son Nian with her.Lyu Gong repeatedly puts to say:"Dead of is the brother-in-law of Bo space ah, does he want to revenge to have what relation with me?I know you are afraid to be embroiled, way have already coped with, all through the night send a person to send letter county inside, say that this a few military officer companies measure to attempt rebellion, close county magistrate, surrender bandit, matter hair behind be caught to kill.Immediately after, I still stir up D strong swallow its meat, wipe a bottom for Bo space.Dummy in the county eats golden thread and also knows most at least to is their guilty previously, the everyone contends for but kills it!"
Through of wife"" ground one cried, raised carrying pole to beat and cried to shout to say:"Our husband and wife is two do of what Nie ah.How to there is your so callous and cruel son.The Bo space reports his enemy, you why again?"
Lyu Gong is beaten hasty, roar loud to say:"My Zha, I which do amiss?Didn't they murder my father and son first?They know Bo space and week communicate officially to lead troops in the outside, just don't dare to kill ours.Can if they changed a county magistrate, not feel at ease, first want to do of will be the space of Kuang Bo to go into the city and take advantage of an opportunity to kill him."
Through hold carrying pole to sit to the corner of wall, crumple a chest to cry:"The self-preservation went and why returned a vital part person?You don't know what call universal love?How are you my son?That lord is thin you can not be.I to you also the nothing important expected and at most raised a filial piety Lian for you, hungry deathless in the future!"
Lyu Gong says:"I think.Wait a Bo space on falling a book, I make a living away from home to the long month with him, in the future do important event."
Through say:"I early saw out.You are unwilling to do a Mo to living.You want a money woman, you want the hurl ground of a person, that good.You have to promise my few matterses."
Lyu Gong turns over cold stare to see a mother and return overdo say:"You say."
Through sadly say:"You aren't from the Mo door, hereafter also want to person's kindness to fellowmen, can read the book of sage.The Bo space contains mind, the personality is simple, deal with affairs candor, someone lord spirit, can't is partial to private, if you made wrong, he probably can't side with you."
Lyu Gong says with smile:"You don't see?Is he how to revenge for his brother-in-law?"
Through sigh a way:"You are killed, he will revenge for you.But you made wrong, he is also similar to punish you.You hereafter could not make kindness to fellowmen two words to the person, personal enemy many, personal enemy many, they will want your life and clench your mistake.With the personality of Bo space, if he also feels words that you deserve it, can't give helping hand.For example now, he to his department once the song see colleague, if wasn't his brother-in-law to die, I still don't know that that is his brother-in-law."

The second shot Rang courageously the bird self-preservation diagram mountain of the song chapter 20 Zhai, the county county knows that the sheep Du comes(1)
Renew time:2009-5-213:33:12 chapter word numbers:5298

The horizon turns white, gradually bright hall in the tent of the bird.
The bird acrosses to come in and then look up at sky to lie to pour on the wood Ta.
"I know that you have to make the big emperor of Yong clansmen.Can "the words that the stone spring livings seem to be still to resound in the tent crest place and again and again asks, " a minor official make you forget old grudge?"In a flash, a face piece halts to stay in the in the moment quiet Cu and substitutes to elapse, but is is all pathetic Mo, they condemned with the scathing voice:"You a heart is Central plains greedy for Mu the person's civilization, disgust us!"
"Not!"He fiercely sits.
The road that the cat waist comes in is thriving to frighten a to greatly jump, the big food Piao in the hand bad drop to sprinkle.He gingerly squats down beside, towards to eat Piao to blow several tones and says:"Elder brother!Again sad also want to eat.This is the personal enemy body up long of, just cooked out."Bird in the moment the whole mirages all disappeared, he twisted a head to see road thriving and distractedly asked:"You feel that I am always awake to make Tai, not enough savage?"
The road is thriving weird, hurriedly say:"Not savage, at 1:00 also not savage, BE, is ……to, is the gentleman that they say!"
Bird heart once the bottom sink, Lian the noodles permit, two eye hairs keep and mumblingly ask:"I how can this appearance?BE take in blood ……"he touches his own, hurriedly the Ye turns around the last hair Jiu, and then asks:"You see again, am I like one family with deer Ba and still keep being like one family with Lyu Gong?"
The road is thriving to stare big eyes, difficult say for feeling ground:"And they is not family!"
The pill that the bird is gloomy to nod, touch chew several chew, keep on swallowing.The road is thriving to hurriedly add:"Be like with me.All this egg egg of the personal enemy and the hearts of the personal enemy nobody dares to eat, only you eat with me!"The bird turns head to see meat delicate Related articles:

