
beats by dre solo nd cuts a way way th

Greatly satisfactory monk ah, bad one step then the ability Be advanced to turn absolute being, unexpectedly directly lived to tear to pieces now, this is how bloodthirsty, how brutal! However also Gao Yi Yi's exhibition is fierce to Wei, so no one dare at rude to him, include in times before moreover several dollars that wants to make moves baby after expect of monk, all silent come down! At public scared, wink, 5 Gao Yi Dengs change into of escape light have been already connected one, escape to soon and in a twinkling promote to doubly allow direct disappearance at public view in. According to in times before and certainly accounting, the Gao Yi Deng person is the Feng sun that goes to cloud line clan city. Choose Feng sun the city is also to have the causal, one Feng sun the city leave one of the car pond city's recent city defenses. Two Feng sun the city is to wait a city in 1, and the headquarters of eastern name of shop in the sky establishes city at the Feng sun at present! Qiao cloud wants to spread the circumstance of car pond city to go on the third day, the claim supports, all no matter what angle it is think Feng sun the city is all head to choose of ground! However currently Gao Yi Deng's human face rightly then built-up insect sea! Flight in the middle of counting the sky of a long distance, the Gang breeze of air wreak havoc, not is to knot the monk that the Dan expects, basically arrive to can not hold up against this violent of Gang breeze! The choice is so high to fly, nature is want to be as low as the attack of insects least! Generally speaking low rank demon the insect can't fly to arrive, either so high, so Gao Yi can avoid the low rank of that sea quantity demon the attack of the insect, only will all the way run into of high level demon the insect shot kill and then can pass through these insect sea! Gao Yi with pretty Feng fore open a new road, but thunder roar son then back wing thunderbolt your work, at public all nearby spread all over to give or get an electric shock Hu, so as not to is a bit escape from punishment near public body! As for Qiao cloud in the sky then betwixt position, everyone doesn't hope her to help what, needs to protect good oneself enough, the pottery small demon then directly throws to have own red long whip, change into a ten the few Zhangs size fire snake, hover around to dance in the wind under the public feet bottom! Most start to be public returning to be regarded as a little bit easily, however more go toward walk in insects, meeting the emergence often some high level demon insect! However list two high level demon the insect is not very tough either, mainly is the amount of these insects Be getting tooer many, even if high level demon the density of the insect is few, but under the so big cardinal number, the amount of high level bewitching insect cans not neglect, either! Suddenly a burst of strange breeze pared off and let people could not open eyes, the thunder whistles once the big Xiu of son flick, immediately the 1 F thunder and lightning light act produces in the public in front and resists that strange breeze but lives! However descend a moment, a flicker of silvery a little bit bright at thunder and lightning light act up don't stop flicker, that thunder and lightning light act unexpectedly at wink of in a short instant break up. In the public and a burst of surprise, those are silvery a little bit bright to quickly remit to get together again, formed a fist size of silvery demon E son! These demon E son, although real strenght only dollar the real strenght that the baby expects, however have several many!But at they after death a flock of many feet with to knot Dan to expect fly an insect to more and closely line up into 1 flock and lead off a not darned attack to come over toward the Gao Yi Deng person. "The mole cricket and ant is a mole cricket and ant, even if dids not also use more again!" The thunder roar son with angry look is one Zheng, the double eye projects a way cold electricity, the in mid air changes into a huge thunder and lightning's big hand to fly an insect toward those many feet be a grasp bottom! Many feet seen the big hand of quilt thunder and lightning running into flying an insect is lived to split dead, don't even remain residues! However these all arrestment not rest of fly an insect to heroic fightingly make a pounce upon them! Gao Yi two palms are from the Xiu tunic from stretched out, ten fingertip immediately bright a way is only white, the Zhang allows later on long of the sword spirit arouse to shoot from its finger tip but, interleave proceed together, fly many all feet of front to insect a cut but empty! Shout~~~~~~ A burst of strange breeze Tu rises, all silvery bewitching E sons climb to together, constituted a shape of long-handled sword, then silver light a flicker appear in the place of the top of head of high righteousness and mercilessly chop down downward! Gao Yi not only didn't avoid and on the contrary met head on to bump! "Bomb!"Of one Be stuffy to ring, Gao Yi's head the slightest has no Sun, but has 78 bewitching E sons drive Gao Yi directly use head to bump to die. "Leave of hand over to me and pretty elder brother!" Thunder roar son also not resigned to playing second fiddle, the back wing changes into ten Zhang sizes and cuts a way way thunder sword with the breeze, and pretty the Feng is to deeply take a suck at spirit, starting to carry on the shoulder a wolf tooth the stick be toward those demon E the son Be malicious to hit! Leave of several silvery demon E son like this drive thunder roar son with pretty the Feng all removed with the power of the thunderbolt! To sum it up, because of opportune moment selection of fitting, plusing the point of insects attack is a car pond city, so 5 Gao Yi Dengs all have is surprised to have no insurance of ran out from the insects! Looking at after death and closely a bewitching insect, several person's head don't return as well of quickly run away toward the direction of Feng sun city! However after the Gao Yi Deng person flew several hundred insides, an unattractive tree hole inside, a voice of crone spread out: "Greatly get to make us ambush generally here, since someone came out and still keep going to into the direction of Feng sun city and explain to should have gone to move reinforcements, we can not make this squad bad to greatly get generally of good matter! Is small of, annihilate the troops that only has 5 people first with me!" Come out more than 30 chain corpses in that tree hole later on, these more than 30 chain corpses have three turned absolute being to fix in the early years for of, a turn absolute being to fix for middle for of, all of rests are a dollar baby to expect Class!Real strenght can not small Qu. PS:get sick, the person was uncomfortable, the throat is painful, dizzy, sneeze, run at the nose, the status isn't very good!Chapter 13 solves to bother to come out more than 30 chain corpses in that tree hole, these more than 30 chain corpses have three turned absolute being to fix in the early years for of, a turned absolute being to fix for middle for of, all of rests were a dollar baby to expect Class! They sneak in an underground and tailgate a Gao Yi Deng person all the way! Finally after several hours, arrived to the front of Gao Yi Deng person,beats by dre solo! These chain corpses don't know self-discipline as well of what magical power, can avoid public absolute being to know to check to explore! Gao Yi didn't say that the absolute being knows to leave a body, so he can not also check to explore of come out, but pretty the Feng waits a person but has never checked to explore out and really explains these chain corpses to aren't vague generation! Sou!Sou!Sou!Sou!!! The innumerable breaks empty the voice ring out, in 5 Gao Yi Dengs' front, the person of more than 30 corpse absolute being clan breaks ground but, dead dead of stare at them! All of the essences of these corpse absolute being clansmens are chains corpse, some skins fester, some long hairs green, white, red of corpse hair!All anyway is an extremely sickening shape! Sees that hasing to turn absolute being for middle of lead the way vision surly stare at Gao Yi, then fell eyes to a pottery again of the body of small demon and Qiao cloud in the sky up, immediately break out a nowise cover up, Yin.Concuss but again greedy of vision! Sees his openings saying: "Ze Ze Ze!The brotherses, have never thought to there are still here delicate meat of two thin skin of woman, in a short while capture next, at the right moment the Di Lao Di Lao we!""Ha ha ha ha!Captain what does that still wait?" The chain corpse of one stem corpse absolute being clan is all bigSmiled to get up, imitate a Buddha, they ate to settle a Gao Yi Deng person. And Gao Yi Kan also know in the heart to these chain corpses, own guess indeed as expected right, the estimate of these people be after waiting until an insect disaster, with one action make a surprise attack that car pond city. However see oneself wait to sneak away, these people perhaps think that we still keep reporting the person of letter! Gao Yi shouts at top of voice at the moment: "Everybody, even if we don't report letter, the person of these corpse absolute being clans can't believe, either, affirmation wants to kill people we kill and has wolf before now, behind have a tiger, hope that the everybody strives to kill an enemy!Open a situation to come out!" Gao Yi although the power to the utmost loses, a lot of magical powers, the magic weapons can not use, he chain body one way but walk very far and fully can with turn after the absolute being the person of period to fight 1! So these chain corpse Gao Yi still don't put an eye, however what Gao Yi worried is at here foolish too long, perhaps will have the corpse absolute being the relief troops of the clan to make track for, or is that they own what severe magic weapon, can turn round situation! Gao Yi's one step steps, whole body the vehemence soar, the physique generally send out sound like the thunderstorm, whole body the sword spirit maneuver, the whole individual like a sheath of a double-edged sword, the sharp point finishes a dew! "Kill!" Gao Yi made moves, body form like demon general beginning ambulation, lift Zhang like sword, directly the sting turns absolute being toward one early corpse absolute being clan! That corpse absolute being clan disdains to a to attend to to Gao Yi, think Gao Yi impossibly oneself how, is also hurtled to raise Zhang in the past dynasty Gao Yi Pi down! Gao Yi Mian exposes ferocious, ratio strength, more violent than the body's, even if the opposite chain corpse fixs the silver wings night fork that kind of the situation is also not necessarily so stronger than oneself last how much! "Bringing disaster to self can not live!I today make you connect the opportunities of doing the corpse all have no Related articles:

