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Vibrate for several cents, shoot toward the outer circle later on.
The purple sky of sword makes track for shot thunder Gang and go, more and more far, and inhibit fire ant and the breathing of the fire Jiao gradually weak come down, this fire ant and fire Jiao letting the purple sky of sword breathing of quilt inhibit be been slacken, can not consider of to meet the enemy, asunder spread on all sides toward the ground of fire Fen, superior of nine general situation dints can helplessly looking at, although fire ant and fire Jiao also almost lose near half,the amount still keeps being not what they can resist.
Long Tian will fight A to take back, a tortoise-shell flies from his forehead, Long Tian that throws in hand go into save a ring in, the vision dignifiedly eyes the ground of catching fire the Fen deep place.
After feeling the breathing of terror attack, Long Tian's corner of mouth is tiny to bring about a sneer, he has already affirmed, the thunder Gang is dead, this attack should be that one shot being in the article of death to resist thunder Gang is a more likely to be thunder Gang to arouse from the Pu, after all, absolute being machine of strong, Long Tian is the clearest by himself/herself.
After being half of two-hour period, the purple sky of sword laceration unreal presents in Long Tian's in front, at this time, all of the ray of light of purple sky of sword refrain from rash action, the Shu is in Long Tian's in front,beats by dre australia, Long Tian holds purple sky of sword, the eyes see front, mumbling way:"Zhi Shan, at this time, your lover is dead, whether you can accept me?"
P:Today temporary two more.
Chapter 542 purple sky of sword
Opening what sky pay attention to is to mentally dense of realization degree, the thunder Gang divides time although isn't this, comprehend still at, but true spirit's originally annoying with Gang is together a source, the power is naturally similar, when a sword flicks to unexpectedly and ambiguously have to line up mountain to pour sea, the fire attribute in the space the spiritual influence coagulate the thunder Gang fairy sword crazily in, explosion come out of have already thousand timesed become wild, a shot contains to ruin a sky to put out the type of ground to head for Long Tian.
The strong vehemence pounds at an after death purple long grass of Long Tian and make it continuously toward air fall back, but Long Tian's complexion suddenly and greatly change and see arrive a purple long grass under suddenly now, Long Tian Er's words don't say and run a tortoise-shell with big palm, rapid clap toward own forehead, the so big tortoise-shell was unexpectedly clapped by Long Tian to go into his forehead, opened a sky in the thunder Gang of power come of, a golden of bloom cracked war AN of seven colourful ray of lights covers with Long Tian whole body, this golden war AN unexpectedly have with the bone scales and shell of thunder Gang alike for several cents, all have cracked line, however, Long Tian of this is like more, whole extremely similar to tortoise-shell.
Thunder Gang one shot bombs at Long Tian be fought Long Tian of A package be directly bombed into horizon all over, and the thunder Gang looking at Long Tian who shoots toward the horizon and loosenned tone, heart is also delight, see, open a sky and be free from the restriction of Gang spirit, is also say to ownly divide time to can use to open a sky, this will become dividing time of the strongest attack.Affirm in the thunder Gang Long Tian already the moment of severely wounded, the sky in suddenly declines together purple long grass, space in suddenly heat, thunder Gang once the complexion change and looking at the sky in decline the next purple long grass, the thunder Gang vision is one Shan, how may?Divide time to use although the power of opening 40 types in the sky compares with with this to still differ a lot, its power also equal of terror, the this dragon sky is bombeunexpectedly d to fly to horizon in unexpectedly safe and sound?And started backstroke?Right away, the thunder Gang absolute being knows a to move and take out to mix a wood gold to open 40 types in the sky to make before milk swallowed 1 drop, thunder Gang the spirit really take time to, have to resume.
Between several interests, Long Tian wears to fight A station at the thunder Gang is 100 meters in the front, fight A wrap up it, could not see his facial expression.But whole body of intention to murder, expressed that Long Tian cuts up rough very much at this time, same of, Long Tian the heart is thousand times shocked at this time, the Wei of 40 types in the sky of opening of thunder Gang touches eyes to cannot compare with in the thunder Gang of bombs him into horizon, steady after staying, Long Tian a burst of empress afraid, looking at war AN of violent motion, this war AN is a machine to believe in a lord, Long Tian's father gives Long Tian and comes to an absolute being machine Class, is a machine to believe in one of the ten greatest defenses absolute being machines, if oneself have no in time evocable war A, that result is so terrible we dares not thinks about it, even if oneself is deathless, also want to lie last hundreds of years so as to resume.The great anger emotion is full of a Long Tian whole body and makes its intention to murder extremely heavy.
"Is very good!Such real strenght, no wonder that she will have a liking for you, quite good, however, this determined more I kill your decision, in the machine tower, have no who can help you!"Long Tian spreads from war A just like the voice of Xuan ice sort.The voice isn't cold not hot, this is exactly the great anger evidence of Long Tian.
"Do not know whether you concealed to fix for, never so, you are worth my respecting, I will let the honour that you die."Long Tian's voice continues to leak out, a present purple aureate seven Chinese foot lanceses in Long Tian Shou.
"This sword is named purple sky of sword, is my machine to believe in time immemorial of of Huang Pin Xia rank absolute being machine, the power can not imagine, today, you die under the purple sky of sword and also calculated your to be honored."The Long Tian deep and low voice rings out, speech in be full of the color of high regard.
Thunder Gang the complexion is constant, the heart brought about a situation full of peril, Huang Pin Xia rank absolute being machine?Unexpectedly is an absolute being machine?The thunder Gang once sees the tallest weapon, nothing is better than in nine rank first grade fairy machine, but at this time, Long Tian's unexpectedly taking out is beonly en saved to the absolute being machine in the legend, how don't make him shocked?And, Huang Pin Xia rank absolute being is the machine what mean?Is the demarcation of absolute being machine?A viewpoint floods brain at the thunder Gang in, make thunder Gang brain brief blank.
Finish saying, once Long Tian's body move, the purple sky of sword in the hand sends forth an intensely hot purple long grass, the left hand holds sword, the right hand fiercely towards hilt of a sword a clap.
"Ao …" a dragon sings of the voice resound through world and make fire ant and the fire Jiaos shocked in succession and unexpectedly and ambiguously shiver and temporarily gave up an attack, but originally have already been laid siege to by the fire ants and the fire Jiaos of nine general situation dint the superior Be vigorous in succession to ask for help of this to grind to a stop, launch backstroke, at this time, nine general situation dint has already lost near half.
Huang Pin Xia rank absolute being machine the purple sky of sword inherit the ray of light that blooms to the moment unexpectedly and ambiguously Jackie Chan's form, the strong breathing all over the place presses toward the thunder Gang.Thunder Gang heart big Hai, looking at purple sky of sword, the thunder Gang feels that strong breathing covers with himself/herself, even, the thunder Gang ambiguously sees have a pair of eyes staring at their oneselfs.
This felling such as at the beginning knot boundary in the true fire space inside, that fire goes an absolute being dragon general felling, this purple sky of sword in seal to print a head of absolute being a monster not become?If is really such, oneself so by all means can not resist, even if this also wants to avoid three to give up, right away, the thunder Gang wants to all don't think, toward the ground of the fire Fen deep place, run about wildly but go to.
But how can the purple sky of sword make the thunder Gang fulfill a wish?The speed broken bits of thunder Gang, but the purple sky of sword is faster, run thousand Zhang moments in the thunder Gang, have already made track for back at the thunder Gang, the Long Xing Da Dun's mouth swallows toward the thunder Gang.But the thunder Gang skin of head become numb, nerve stretch tight tightly, back of crisis thunder Gang feeling of clear, if oneself slowly descends penny, then will everlasting perdition, heart cut up rough of at the same time, thunder Gang again helpless, divide time in of can resist of the fairy machine of the attack of purple sky of sword is little of again little, right away, the thunder Gang strong line of order fire ant and fire Jiao attackstones purple sky of sword, but the purple sky of sword sends forth the absolute being monster of breathing the dead that fire ant and fire Jiao suppress die of, but the superior of nine general situation dints again launch madness counter-attack, momentary, the thunder Gang unexpectedly faces and dies threat in.
The true spirit inside the body almost all gatherings at thunder Gang double feet in, the speed is quickly like lightning flash, but still can not please making track for of purple sky of sword shot.
After, quarter's the speed of the thunder Gang just a little slows down and consume of true spirit too quick, can not insist the thunder Gang, have to again swallow a drop of the milk that mix a wood gold, but this brief time, let purple sky of top of head that the sword has already arrived at thunder Gang, the Long Xing tycoon bites toward Zhang Kou of thunder Gang.
Thunder Gang big Hai, disregard of will save ring in the past refined of the fairy machine throw to want to procrastinate purple sky of sword, but the purple sky of sword is an absolute being machine, too strong, and seal to print a head of absolute being a monster among them, its power is imaginable, the thunder Gang throws the fairy machine of to bump the shot is in the purple long grass of purple sky of sword directly change into broken bits, basically didn't impede purple sky of sword the slightest and the least bit, the purple sky of sword certainly could not block but Long Xing Ju's mouth has been already opened and towards thunder Gang to swallow.
"!!!"The thunder Gang heart Si roars, he the unwilling tenseness line divide time now dissipation, the thunder Gang vision is one Shan, presents to save ring in last a chase six star fairy sword, blood vessels in only left true spirit flow out into fairy sword, brain in suddenly of ring Related articles:

