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Station in Pu sun, the summer Hou Yuan garrison herds wild, Gao conveniently soldier 10,000, garrison in the Pu sun city, every moment prepare to render assistance Zang Ba, must take down green state whole territorieses.He led battalion back to allow by himself.
The Cao returning to allow all holds, the first news receiving is of cool state hence together Ma Teng, and Guo Yuan...etc. constitute cool state allies, to Chang-an rushed toward to come over;Immediately after, Gao Xian contacted inshore all of more than 20 warlordses and constituted 150,000 people's allied troops' troops, to pot pass city and go to of the news also arrived.Not only such, canvass at the Gao Xian Pai person under, Zhang Cheng in Hanoi, Hong agriculture Zhang Yan, river east the Wei is solid also rise in revolt to respond to Gao Xian, whole up the party counties all follow disorderly get up.
The Cao held to attend to not and up take a rest, a noodles gave clock Yao go to airtight letter, let him split up a cool state alliance quickly, a side takes Lyu Bu in person, too history Ci, history Huan and Cao purely etc. will get, 40,000 battalions upward the party county enter hair and support Xu Huang Zhang Liao and work hard for to take down first combine state.
Certainly, the bad news has, the good news also has.As early as Cang station of before the war, far Yan in You state outer circle was soft and then helded for Cao to write to return agreeable letter, and fresh vulgar clan of is fresher than 惇 , also in the Cang station of post-war, publicly meant to go and live with Cao to hold.This time, receiving Cao to hold will get, the Yan is respectively softer fresh than 惇 to take of troops and horses already fore go toward to combine state of the road ascend.
I am to don't know this news,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, early know the Yan was softer fresh than 惇 to come over, I couldn't signal hint Zhang Liao, they passed Gao Xian, but let to take care of Hai directly to kill this boy on the battlefield, there is soft Yan they, basically not afraid combine state will become indiscriminately what appearance.Is alas, an impassability of news, result in combine the state killed many people more.
Body at pot close city of we also got Gao Xian's allied troops anti- rush toward to come over of news.This time, I am after death hiding at Zhang Yan , direct he trains his black mountain son Lang.Zhang Yan 's horse of 40,000 people is all basically to regard mountainous country farmer as principle, the body is strong and healthy, activity the quick in action is their advantages, slightly more system train, can become one quite good troops of paying.Has been liked training, they can are all good hand of mountainous country battle, hereafter use their time also grow.
Gao Xian their anti- rush toward, give just at the pot close city to carry on annihilating a work of we resulted in very big pressure.Face an at present enemy soldier news, I after contemplating the along while let Xu Huang Pai person urgent make two elder brothers who annihilate the works in the outside, they called back.Although slowly sway with Zhang Liao's troops and horses is whole, and then is a soldier after resting of more than ten dayses the strong horse strengthened and plused Zhang Yan 's horse of 40,000 people after half month of training, the fighting strength was also strong 100%, but with the horse of our these people, also not enough take down whole with the tall Xian allied troops who resist and overrun a place on all sides combine the state was more impossible.But we these troops and horseses want to guard a pot of pass city and carry on with Gao Xian to go back and forth and wait for the relief troops of Cao soldier coming, the problem is still not big.
Two elder brotherses are almost the arrangements that all listenned to me:The Cao soldier battalion time defends a pot of pass city, prepare to carry on defending of war;Zhang Yan 's troops and horses I arranged yellow win and white strange take 10,000 people to round into Shan-li, go to at the back of Gao Xian cause disturbance.Zhang Yan takes 20,000 troops and horseses to station in person at pot the pass carry on defending;Leave for Zhang Liao 5,000, help to defend city;Still have 5,000 people the horse, always lead in the chapter under, urgent take side to pass in the tiger prison, one is strengthen pass in the tiger prison of defend strength, moreover is waiting to be the guide of reinforcement.
I am to follow Qin Yong, they entered a tiger prison to close, after handing over to answer a troops and horses, I didn't leave, but was taking Qin Yong return to all, a lot of affairs wanted hold them with Cao communicate for a while.
Return to allow all, the first news getting was a Cao to hold to lead troops the last party to increase to aid Zhang Liao in person, I this is depressed hey, is really a helpless pole.Wanting is trying to catch up with, calculating, anyway he also has no has a good head to have fever to beat Ye city, let they slowly take down to combine state like, I don't think back and forth run to have fun.
Arrive at Guo Jia's your home, he pours pretty leisurely and carefree, is drinking alcohol to see a flower, tease son-in-law for fun.See I go in, he didn't act, and two small guys rushed toward first to come over:"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law."
Brother-in-law?Is dizzy, how listen to so awkward.I hug 1 all alone:"Brother-in-law?Who make you call?"
Guo as well turns head to see his dad, then says with smile:"Is six uncles to say of and say to call eight uncles unpleasant to hear, let us call your brother-in-law."I stared Guo Jia Yi's eye, he did a signal for hasing nothing to do with me.
Let two small guys go out to play by himself/herself, I sit to flank in Guo Jia and Don't mention it carries wine to drink:"Three elder brothers need not set aside so, I am understand you was what mean.Hum, the small bird isn't what I recognize again, four elder brothers to force the elder brother whom I recognize."
Three elder brothers keep shaking head:"Private dollar the personality is similar to you, to you, he really has no an elder brother's appearance.You had to once think, dollar keeping must you recognize private's dollar to do seven elder brothers of real intention?"
"How didn't I once think?You consider for the sake of my safety.There is huge asylum in the house, I will be good in the day of Jing state over some, in case department Ma Shui Jing those intelligent person tube don't live his/her own mouth."
Three elder brothers sighed:"Saying your cleverness is also, you don't think that you really has many gains and losseses.You have to know that this is to think for your safety writing.Son cloud, the huge house is also a Jing cantonal of big clan, you want to take a matter over there, must have a good identity, you recognize private's dollar to be an elder brother, depend huge virtuous Mr. so much, the all things is better to take matter in hand.Otherwise, the light wants to get into the turn of Jing state four greatest households son with your current fame and wants fee many efforts.The dollar keeps over there so several years, compare you, I want to know this.Private's dollar is also a heart to know the belly is clear, however is lead long to pull own of close uncle, not keep saying just, secretly not just similar is you good?Only for the sake of the safety, also rather don't put you to go out.Hum, if the Ju Gu disregards aggression pot to close, do I see you returning how to pretend your senior?"
This my pouring really don't thought of, is still the elder brothers painful I am thoughtful for what I considered.Wanted to think, smiled to Guo Jia:"The elder brothers is all painful I this is small, the luck of my whole life is getting tooer many.Deal with the way of Ju Gu you if at, also agree, analysis person this up, still you teach my !To, three elder brothers, the Li sun city takes down still smoothly?Huang Lin's this boy is very clever, a lot of places all pretty learn me, you accept him at nearby, also have to handle affairs for the elder brothers footman."
Three elder brother Lengs for a while, endured to endure, strong say with smile:"BE ah, Huang Lin is like you very much.However, he now at Ma Cheng and his elder brothers of white together, you don't worry."
I smile:"This guy is also, otherly didn't learn, have already learned me to seek an elder brother.Three elder brothers, the Li sun is in the our hand, equal to the front door hoping state ground has already opened for us and takes down Yuan Shao to be just the problem in time.This lord Mr. has never excited ground to want to beat Ye city and see come should be that you have a function.Lord Mr. led troops to go to the last party in person, the dead of the high Xian had already become settled situation, I see a this place already didn't I what affair, I want to go down south, do you feel?"
Three elder brothers sigh tone and hope me:"Did not the person whom you arrange have access to Gao Xian?How to make him close city in the pot to outside run?If could kill him at that time, like, also need not so troublesome now."
I drink a people's wine to smile:"Letting Gao Xian running away is my idea, take care of Hai to early ambush at him nearby, perhaps have already become the confidant of high Xian now, wanted the head of high Xian is also an affair of words.Three elder brothers hope state, we haven't taken down, two elder brother their troops and horseses are too little, Zhang Yan Zhi at black mountain surroundings activity, if Gao Xian died a while, this combine the Hao of state size is strong, bandit, messy troops and horseses will get up indiscriminately, we want to let combine the state pipe down, the membership dues is many efforts, not worth the cost.Is much good now, Gao Xian gathers those people all and be convenient for us to tidy up they, tidy up these unstable member, take down of combine state just without a lot of unsteady factors, not only manage convenience many, also can't let these artificial person make use of, again take the offensive cool state also do much."
Three elder brothers finish listenning to my analysis quietly, wry smile is for a while:"You think originally quite goodly, just, your affirming also doesn't know, you say of the Yan is soft have already returned to follow Related articles:

