
dr dre beats n by the artillery m

All from now on set out.At that time Ya Ku Ci the garrison forces of the gram with little must be pitiful, but because of Siberia a year in have eight months and be placed in a drop of water to become a glacial cold winter in, summer over the Chun department had to first to pass the winter in the North Sea fortress of the northeast of Baikal Lake Cape.Fortress in the North Sea is at first the sand Russia ground Jin fortress of Ba Er Gu, the empress was recovered by Li Hu to change name to "fortress in the North Sea".Very not easy cook over endless winter behind, summer over Chun this just leads the mongols of troops and the region to together go up north to strike against a Ya Ku Ci gram.Face to unexpectedly and Mongolia ride soldier and China soldier a sharp artillery, the Ya Ku Ci gram raised flag of surrender after insisting the third.After stationing in Ya Ku Ci a gram, summer over the Chun have no now carefree come down.He a side send many Er Bos to wait person to take an elder brother Sa gram the captive clean up have already seeped through the E Huo time area in gram Haiti of sand Russia"expeditionary party".A side then establishes a Ya door to accept to take circumferential migratory tribe in the region together with Yuan a life time Ze.Finish Chun for this summer still specially the gram is at Ya Ku Ci noodles toward Central plains of the direction signed a piece of stone tablet to in order to be in remembrance of this matter.But the China dynasty at this time is busy in going on an expedition Wo country.
After it's cares at home to pull out troops ground, summer over Chun again the rate department follow Lei to take Henan next time fortress in the North Sea rest whole, and to Central plains delivered to go to war bulletin.Because at a time when deep winter, the troops had to in side in Baikal Lake to lead for a winter again.Just formal on spring in next year west enter and fill Su He of the river area with leaf Ni and expect Lu ministry teacher.The He Ba Lu of Su at this time has already received many remnants departments of quasi- Ge Er it may be said are real strenght to greatly increase.However the He Ba Lu of Su, who once experienced China soldier that Hai person's fighting strength, doesn't dare heart to save what fantasy.In his eyes depend on strong China dynasty far compare establish own school of thought to want come of wise get many.And the fact also proved the exactitude of his choice.Face this from the man, receive, full three clanses constitute a ground of battalion all the way the Hao concuss east, the along the road nomad's way of life department comes to follow in succession.And"connect 氺 route on land" noted on map, this half year comes to summer over the Chun waited a person to push forward a western Siberia plain very successfully.
"Give wood Si gram city …here."The Yuan a life time Ze first one found out on the map public want the target for seeking.
"To, is here.Sand Russia is here establishing to give wood Si gram Du soldier mansion.As long as take down the city we can control E to finish a river area the east."The summer over Chun nods to attach with way.
"Du soldier mansion?We at the Ya Ku Ci gram is to have already polished off Luo Cha the person's a Du soldier mansion?"Audience person so on saying, many Er Bos don't understand that the ground asks a way.
"In Siberia there are totally four Du soldiers in sand Russia the mansion is Ya Ku Ci respectively gram Du soldier mansion, give wood Si gram Du soldier mansion, leaf Ni fill a Si gram Du soldier mansion and give the Bo Er Si gram Du soldier mansion."The summer over Chun points out a way one by one on the map:"We have already pulled out to go to a Ya Ku Ci gram, He Ba Lu Dai of Su the uncle of Du Er especially the department lay siege to leaf Ni to fill a Si gram.Still not and clearly give now if Ma Si Ke knows that leaf Ni fills the Si gram news that is rounded.However need to be advertent is give wood Si the gram leave to give the Bo Er Si gram nearer.Aggression's giving wood Si gram may disturb to give the Bo Er Si gram very much."
"Disturb how again?Had better these 7788 of Luo the Cha Du soldier mansion all remit to arrive together.Province we run about to tidy up them everywhere.Anyway those Luo the city defense inside of the Cha ghost can have thousand to guard the soldier to Be getting more quite good."Many Er Bo despise grounds say.At his ground sand in the eyes Russia troops in in addition to elder brother Sa gram outside is all some useless persons on the battlefield.But the city of those sand Russias' filling is also the flower shelf that the bean curd does to basically eat the shell of rising Hahn people is not.In fact also not the ability strange Russian cheat on labor and material and after all allow who can't thought of in this boundless Siberia plain will unexpectedly will also like this sharp artillery exists.
The eye sees many Er Bos say thus understatemently, Yuan a life time Ze not from lightly coughed one to remind a way:"Aught.Carefully make the ship in ten thousand years.We more is westwards, leave Luo Cha country more near.The garrison forces of city defense also starts more and more getting up.Want to come to truely bad battle to just start on the whole now.Does the much less He Ba Lu of Su there still have no news."
"Boon, the Yuan elder brother says right.Not only is Luo Cha person, we still need to notice these locally Mongolia intertribal.The in short circumstance will before fill a river area to want at leaf Ni than us complicated get many."The summer over Chun follows to add a way.Be go on expedition the commander in chief of soldier, the summer over Chun pretty much knows a troops current circumstance.Sand Russia troops are in surely little wretchedness in Siberia, can already the square also really not go there.Once the troops is even replied by serious wound to put out, that means take from the Lei before empire will lose the river to leaf Ni fills a river area ground control.
"Oh.This kind of affair I have no idea.Eldest brother you keep saying.We connect down how to do.BE beat?Or wait?"Many Er Bos are some to impatiently ask a way.Fight to his person's horse and mongols is the business that comes and goes such as the breeze, basic need not consideration is so many.Certainly he also clearly uses Hahn people of fire gun artillery have to along the base marked out on map 11 dozenses past.Because only so then Hahn people can pay to get the ammunition replenishment that they need to in order to prop up next combat in Cha hand from Luo.
For this, the summer over Chun certainly knows the blemish of oneself more than many Er Bos.But see him and Yuan a life time Ze to the look in the eyes is after.Right away and resolutely hanged an one punch way on the map:"Beat!Certainly want a dozen!"
Proper summer over when the Chun wait person to stare at to hit the ground diagram vehemence to roaringly prepare to take down to give wood Si a gram, Be located at to E finish the giving of river front wood Si the gram as well felt one silk not known the ground prepare feeling.Sees the inside governor of province rice in Ya door admire Yi Er stand circle drum drum of general belly, the right hand takes to come from leaf Ni to fill an asking for help of Si gram to believe, left hand continuously Nao wear have already could not seen a few heads of hairs, pull corner of mouth complaint way:"Lo.Is again a tartar person to strike!The my dear Na Huo virtuous card when just can learn to deal with those soil Zhaos.I have already once said the that skin company's root isn't qualified to do governor of province.Those masters of Ya door in Siberia were to more and more see money eye opening.Peter Luo man second lieutenant, you say BE?"
"Superior, what do you say?Smallly and just didn't listen to clear."Be ordered the military officer Mi of to take tipsy pretend ignorance the way of Chong Leng.He knows to regardless is leaf Ni who plea for help to fill Si gram governor of province, be still at present of the adults are all some robbers who have insatiable greed.Their root can't go to and make allowance for and rule at them serf and nomad's way of life tribe.Hence the matter shelled because of being unbearable to bear with ruthlessness dish but rebeled in anger have occurrence.
"Stupid goods.You can be little to drink 1:00 for me!Am I to ask you how to see this matter?"The rice admires Yi Er to smell the other party whole body ground wine flavor to dissatisfiedly reprimand angrily to a way.
"Return to master, you also know that leaf Ni's filling Si together us is similar to own an artillery to guard.Usually of the soil Zhao didn't°yet close to city Zhai be beaten by the artillery must flee elsewhere everywhere.So leaf Ni filled Si to definitely meet a great deal of tartar to lay siege to now."Peter's Luo's man beat wine Ge honestly answer way.
"Is your meaning it we that wants to send army rescues?"The rice admires Yi Er Mi to wear small eyes to ask a way.Although knowing is own of the inferiority is an unreliable kinds of goods,the rice admires Yi Er to still keep wanting to listen to the viewpoint of the other party.
"This …the superior also know if tartar get the amount of sons really arrive more the artilleries on the city head to all have no way solution.That be not 12 brigade the small cent brigade can can rescue."Peter Luo man Song shrug way.Frankly speaking, he doesn't want to lead troops to go out to rescue leaf Ni to fill Si.Compare with the man opponent of own superior, Peter, Luo under of the fighting strength that helps a big soldier can know much.Those so-called sand emperor's warrior however is some robbers petty thieves who mix to eat to mix to drink just.Want them on the battlefield with violently tartar the person take an egg to touch rock towards fighting a root being at.
"Boon, you can say that again."The rice admires Yi Er to listen to as if deep in thought location nod a way:"If leaf Ni fills if the Si is really laid siege to by large numbers of tartars, the Si perhaps gets me in person in command just go.Actually is what person dare to lay siege to the sand emperor's city so boldly.Expect a Shi kir person?Does the promise cover a person?Or person in Turkmenistan?"
"Return to superior,dr dre beats.Smallly see all probably."That Related articles:

