
beats by dre solo or a heat only heat

And beginning's kissing to return is captured, the big beauty got angry more in this time and lay prone to in Lin Dong's shoulder ruthlessly kept on biting.
"You what are twos dry?The Mu permits purple Lin, how do you bite a person?"Officer of big beauty cloud Feng go to an all flowers' bluish green cold temple the main night is toward the door without the shadow notification, hence make little younger sister Shi Mu permit purple Lin go to hard pick up Lin Dong, have never thoughted of short more than 10 minuteses as a result of 2 people unexpectedly embraced together and felt very not great in this time, hence annoy to shout that the ground says:"Lin Dong, what do you embrace my younger sister Shi to do?"
BE hearing this shape hot, the big beauty Mu of temper outrage's permitting purple Lin is a last officer younger sister Shi of cloud Feng, Lin Dong felt ashamed and also could not considered of the ache of shoulder, a loose hand released the other party, and the Song shrug Bang says:"Misunderstand, all of everythings are misunderstandings, didn't thought of that your younger sister Shi unexpectedly is a super overlord's dragon, just sent on meeting to kiss for a heat, only heat's kissing don't kiss in the mouth and directly kissed in the shoulder, you saw be up still stained with now full spot spot blood stain."
The big beauty Mu permits purple Lin be not that kind of coy the female kid who will act in pettish, she has no because elder sister Shi last officer cloud Feng came but stop, at Lin Dong loose open his/her own a moment, stretch out soft if boneless jade hand very heavily past.
"You also wantoned too much, how can beat a guest?"When last officer cloud Feng saw Lin Dong the spot spot in the shoulder blood stain have a little heartache, at see younger sister Shi Mu permit purple Lin to stretch hand to beat past of time got angry more, directly holding tight her that is soft if the boneless jade hand says very unhappily:"Was all teacher to spoil you bad, unexpectedly dared to at will hit persons, also don't give me away with it."
At all flowers bluish green cold temple young generation pupil in, way line the big beauty is most deep cloud Feng is up the officer, already arrive diverted period, grow the the most beautiful, temper most fierce of is just the 16-year-old Mu permit purple Lin, the relation of 2 people's is very good, can say to have already arrived the situation that the intimacy has no, elephant today so with angry look but to still first time.
In this time, the big beauty Mu permits purple Lin to feel that oneself specially wrongs, clearly suffer a los be eaten bean curd by the playboy, but can not speak, she is bad to ruthlessly stare Lin Dong Yi's eye, then very the injustice ground hurtle last officer cloud Feng to say:"Elder sister Shi, I went up first and just really was me not to, apologize to you now."
The last officer of ice snow cleverness cloud Feng understood his/her own younger sister Shi too much and also immediately responded to come over what is the row, hence pull Mu to permit purple Lin that is soft if the boneless jade hand light tone ground says:"Younger sister Shi, I come to give you the introduction for a while, he is my friend, Lin Dong, , I think just you are two of should have a little small misunderstanding, you don't want to present to mind."
Lin Dong also seems to be to have a little in this time ashamed, hence not stingily say:"Just really was me not to, time climb mountain two eyes have been being seeing fresh flowers at the side of hill path, pressing the root didn't see road, result a carelessly and little younger sister Shi Mu permitted purple Lin to bump together, I am to come to a Wen Xiang's nephrite to embrace to be full of, but this also be regarded as my disrespectful, I formally admit a mistake now."
Very obviously, in this time had no way to speak his/her own plain wheat roll be held tight by the other party, since Lin Dong admitted a mistake, the Mu permits purple Lin also ashamed again keep on making, hence wear small mouth to say for the Jue:"In fact also not the ability is strange'brother-in-law', just really is that misunderstand, I should not stretch hand to hit persons, should not bite him more and at last evened off now, each from now on not and mutually owe."
The beautiful young girl Mu of ice snow cleverness permits purple Lin to certainly see out the relation of cloud Feng of last officer of Lin Dong and elder sister Shi not general, so has never also lifted oneself is sponged on of affair, also intentionally mention that the brother-in-law, this phrase comes to mean irony.
Officer of big beauty cloud Feng hear the time of brother-in-law, this phrase seem to be to have a little ashamed, the fillip desire breaks Qiao face up be suffused with to appear a red cloud, she light tone the ground say:"Don't be ridiculous, I and Lin Dong are just common friends, he be not what'brother-in-law'.Like, now since you the two per match well and so we go up to see teacher."

The text chapter 363 all flowers bluish green cold temple
Renew time:2010-1-816:23:24 chapter word numbers:5697

Don't know as well why, Lin Dong permits in the beautiful young girl Mu the purple Lin in front woulds not like to show himself/herself and top, either officer the relation of cloud Feng, hence roar with laughter ground to say:"I also want to be yours'brother-in-law', just don't know to have so of in fortune lap have no.We 2 is to don't beat not to acquaint with, you bit open my shoulder, this also be regarded as predestination."
The taste Piao that the beautiful young girl Mu permits purple Lin to use to disdain to a to attend to Lin Dong Yi's eye, she pulls the arm of cloud Feng of last officer, light tone the ground say:"Luckily this playboy isn't a brother-in-law, otherwise of words you will definitely regret.Leave, arrived inside in the temple, I would definitely help you in front of teacher keep a secret of, will never make her old man's house angry."
Looking at Mu to permit purple Lin and top officer cloud Feng the figure of these two greatest beauties, Lin Dong had a very strange viewpoint, if push over in the words on the bed at the same time these two big beauties, should be what kind of felling.This guy part entertain foolish ideas simultaneously and upwards walks, time walk into an all flowers bluish green cold temple, unexpectedly some consciousnesses all have no, certainly also didn't keep in mind here actually is what circumstance, just wide awake while smelling light flavor,beats by dre solo.
Wide awake Lin Donging after discovers that he or she's body is placed in the hall of an ancient palatial type inside, the Feng chair of positive hall position sits in seat of honor one to wear white yarn dress, the noodles receives the woman of yarn towel, the or so both sides is exactly a Mu to permit purple Lin and top officer cloud Feng is these two greatest beauties.The both sides of big palace stand two rows are dressed in the beautiful young girl of the powder color yarn dress, an of gorgeous if peach Lee, frosty in bearing, some facial expressions all have no and seem a beauty who draw the inside for the person's felling similar, seem combine the nonentity is among the human life.
Don't know why, in this time while unexpectedly having already grown puzzling strain, seeing ice snow pretty woman in last time Lin Dong all has no so strain to lead, his along whileses didn't talk and just foolishly stood at first, the vision dead hopeless situation stared at at took that side a yarn towel the woman was that double of glad eye that implied 1000 F, hanging up of ten thousand kinds of romantic feelingses soul magic power eye top.
This is in fact no longer the first time Lin Dong sees hang up soul magic power an eye, but seems a front several times all have no effect to him and seem this time an exception, the whole individual's three souls seven souls seeming is all drawn on, don't say the strength that didn't draw apart vision and even connect to draw apart of heart all have no.
Lin Dong in nowadays is like a wax similar foolishly station at first, stared continuously ground to have a liking for afar, not only such, seem even the vitalities was all silently having no voice the interest ground slipped away.
Inchoate time, officer of big beauty cloud Feng haven't discovered a problem, however is very quick and then discovered not in the right with shine on former to Lin dongs' comprehensions, he will never be that kind of to see a beauty frightened man, besides absolutely can't rude in behavior in own in front now.It is an unique abnormality to foolishly stare at teacher, seeing the appearance must be have an accident.
Know perfectly well a teacher displayed to shoot soul Shu to Lin Dong, but officer of big beauty cloud Feng doesn't dare as well speech, can be secretly anxious and hope that Lin Dong can once escape a to rob.
The affair has never ascended an officer Yun Feng think so in brief, but equal complications, this up Lin Dong know most by himself/herself.Know while seeing that double of eye that hang up soul magic power the important event is far from good, but own vision is drawn on by the loadstone, whatever make great effort can not get away from, working properly dint to seem is more darned is also running off.
For real strenght strong Lin Dong but speech, work properly dint to run off isn't an affair of fearfulness, most terriblely certainly is a vitality is quietly running off.He the inchoate time will work properly dint to come together a double in the eye, wanting to resist to hang up a soul magic power eye, but doing so can let to work properly dint to run off sooner and want to get away from the control of the other party in this case.
Personal real strenght but speech, Lin Dong feels to be as just about as the woman who wears a veil, but don't know why unexpectedly Related articles:

